To anyone who's ever said: "SHOULDA/COULDA/WOULDA" & thinks their dreams are not feasible therefore not worth pursuing... Perhaps you've made some bad life choices; a few missed opportunities. You're a FAILURE! But not why you THINK you are!
I'm here to tell that YOU ARE the loser you think you are...
You are a failure....
....a failure that cannot fulfill your dreams, your aspirations, your goals in life; you're 100% correct.
You are just as bit a failure as you think yourself to be!
Trust me. I'm not trolling to be a douche; going somewhere with this: keep reading....
As long as you believe that; as long as you think that... it'll always be true, and so I'm here to tell you that it goes both ways. Yes. You can be a rockstar. You can be a racecar driver. You can be a billionaire. Sound absurd? Absolutely. Sound impossible or highly improbable? Yes. IS it though? NOT AT ALL!!! IT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE IT IS. CONVINCE YOURSELF IT ISN"T AND IT WON"T BE YOU"LL SEE!
Forget the "Law of Attraction" for a moment... (you can google that later) although I have taken the liberty of starring what I believe to be the three most critical components of said philosophy, think of it as simply as possible:
A) You will achieve whatever you believe, so s long as you really believe it.*
B) I hate to resort to cliches but the whole "you can do anything you set your mind to" is a cliche for a reason. It's true. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a failure and why are you even wasting your time converting with them?
C) Putting aside 6 hours for sleep that leaves you with 18 hours a day. 18 hours that should be allocated/directed to what you know will happen not to what you hope/dream will happen.
A) You will achieve whatever you believe, so s long as you really believe it.*
B) I hate to resort to cliches but the whole "you can do anything you set your mind to" is a cliche for a reason. It's true. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a failure and why are you even wasting your time converting with them?
C) Putting aside 6 hours for sleep that leaves you with 18 hours a day. 18 hours that should be allocated/directed to what you know will happen not to what you hope/dream will happen.
...and perhaps most importantly of all:
- 4) You will achieve whatever you believe... >>SO AS LONG AS YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT!<<
STOP referring to them as dreams & start thinking of them as *GOALS* it's that simple
I hate resorting to a lousy cliche to illustrate my point; however, this post requires one: YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO!...
STOP referring to them as dreams & start thinking of them as *GOALS* it's that simple
I hate resorting to a lousy cliche to illustrate my point; however, this post requires one: YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO!...
Anybody who's lost or uncertain; misguided, lost & doesn't know what to do with themselves. Maybe you've made some shitty choices earlier in life that you feel like you can't come back from. That's not true...
If you believe that then why are you alive? Why wake up in the morning?
You're either a pussy, you have no self-esteem, or you're just don't have faith (not that you need it) because you are as great as you think you are and can do what you want to do
6 hours of sleep a day; you got 18 hours a day. What the fuck are you doing? Every second of those 18 hours should be dedicated to your goal. Your success. Your dream. If not, then you don't deserve it. You're not fighting for it... and if you don't fight, then again why bother living?
If you're struggling. If you're disenfranchised; you feel like you're not given recognition for all the good/hard work you do & if you feel like you're being overlooked.... overshadowed. Like nobody cares about you. Who cares? Why does that matter?
If you're one of these people... like millions of others in our generation; you need to watch this. You'll thank me later. So in advance; you're welcome...
*had to put tiny spaces in between; copy & paste //watch?reload... anything after the com and paste it to yout ube . co m and see for yourself or even better, just google the link.
Peace & Love all! Stay focused; driven and never give up. I know its cliche but they're called cliches for a reason....
They are true!!!
NEVER forget to set your stop losses!! Do not let the greed/FOMO/FUD get you!
Safe trading everybody! Remember, the world is yours. Don't let any "haters" make you believe otherwise.
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