100 Steemians Gave their Best Advice to New Users ... Here's What They Said. (Plus Contest Winner Announced!)

Last week I passed the 1000 follow milestone, and to celebrate I ran a 10 SBD Giveaway! Lately I have been noticing more and more questions on my posts about steemit and I thought it would be so cool to not only give them my two cents, but have an entire bank of helpful information they can reference back to as well!
The Contest
For my giveaway, I simply asked people to comment with their best piece of Steemit advice. I was absolutly floored by how many people responded, and how helpful the tips were!
Here is a link to the Contest Post and I would highly recommend reading thorugh all these great comments. I'm pretty excited to have this resource listed all in one place so that I can send users a link to that article and encourage them to look through it for advice and encouragmenet on their steemit journey.
This bank of advice ended up being really well-rounded. There were many topics covered and advice from all levels of users. There were tips from people who had been here a week to those who have been here for a year and a half.
I want to give a big shoutout to all of those who gave really stellar pieces of advice! You guys rock!
@jkenny, @steemmatt, @benleemusic, @isteemithard, @josejirafa, @jhairahdignos, @mrwh1te, @homescoolkidz, @snrm, @thekitchenfairy, @cryptobeans, @hors, @roldamn, @chasegapo, @ireasons, @goldmatters, @dtwo, @soykatonline, @blackempror, @rashford, @davidallenjones, @kolapo1, @skrulze, @markmorbidity, @the-fundraiser, @alexphuah, @aice20, @josediccus, @squares, @mickyscofield, @apiprincz, @highjaykay, @itharagaian, @steemitqa, @rumbledoor, @alkhemst, @realseb, @yura81, @aussieninja, @ajibade, @xplore, @nuedareniel, @aytim, @mortyc137, @artzanolino, @favoured001, @wireless07, @leo-lobo-astral, @aldentan, @kamalkennedy, @rebelheart, @lavanyalakshman, @endless.drugs, @rharphelle, @marlon241982, @holadeivi, @ezinwakelvin, @drayhazz, @williams21, @caleblindsay, @melanoquin, @godofbit, @adetola, @sezenke, @alexandraioana26, @ths77, @mightymicke, @isellbooks, @innita, @bryandivisions, @rebe, @ciocolony, @dwarfche, @guitartech, @cyoadventuregame, @thankori, @ainie.kashif, @chiboyzz, @shanu, @rochelejohn
Now in the original post... I mentioned that I would be doing a random draw to select the winner. I actually do it as a live drawing in this Dtube video!
Drumroll Please...
The winner is @chasegapo!! I will be transferring 10SBD to him momentarily.
The Main Themes
As you can imagine, certain themes started to rise from the video. Even though everyone brought their own unique voice to the advice - it was clear that most users find certain pieces of advice to be the most helpful for new users. I go into more detail in my Dtube Vlog, but here are the highlights:
- Be yourself, be authentic.
- Post great, high quality content.
- Engage with others and build relationships.
- Steemit is not a get rich quick scheme.
- Don't get discouraged. (If you do... refer back to the above tips).
A Word Cloud of your Responses!
I thought it would be fun to take everyone's responses and make it into a word cloud so we could see the most used words from all 100 pieces of advice. Not surprisingly, Steemit was by far the biggest word! Some of the others are pretty interesting to browse through though.
I just want to say a HUGE thank you again to all of you who have decided to follow along with me on my steemit journey. It means so much to me and I am thrilled to call many of you my friends! I mention in the last post that I wish I could go grab a beer with many of you guys... and I'm still hoping one day it happens!
▶️ DTube
WHAAAT! I was not expecting that at all.
I was reading your post, and was honestly really happy and content that I made the shoutout list :)
Then... I saw that I won and I almost couldn't believe it. I had to go watch the video!
Thank you so much for doing this giveaway. You deserve every bit of your 1000+ followers and have been pumping out some great content.
Now onto future growth and your next milestone! Keep crushin it!
Was mentioned but didn't win
Keep Steeming!!!
Aww I’m SO thrilled for you,@chasegapo!! Thanks for participating and adding your thoughts and advice to the conversation. 😊 I’m loving your blog, by the way! You are off to a great start here on Steemit!
Aww, thanks for the feedback! :) I've thought about trying out some vlogs but have never done them before. Although i'm not sure what I would vlog about, I feel its a great way for the community to really get to know someone.
Congratulations @chasegapo 😊😊 you wrote good. Good luck for the future!
Thank you friend, good luck to you too!
hello .. but i do not understand about the contest so much
You look like my sister when she was in high school. Her name is Carissa.
Oh too funny!! Well, I’m flattered that you think I look like I’m in high school. 😜
Hi, thank you for this compilation and also for the contest! It’s always interesting to hear other opinions. But, for example, now I have a big problem on how to get noticed. Do you have advise on that?
Great question! Your blog is off to a great start with beautiful photos, and inspirational topics. I would honestly say that getting to know people and making friends in the platform is the biggest thing you can do. If you spend more time reading and commenting on others posts than you do on your own blog, you’ll be off to a good start. It really can take a while to build those relationships and have a solid follower base.
Also, I see that you are PhD student! Maybe if you wrote a few bigger posts about the types of things you’re studying, people might find that interesting or helpful. :-) Just a thought!
Dont get discouraged and keep pressing on. I think you have a very bright future here on Steemit!
Congrats again on 1k followers! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Brian! By the way... I played that Luke Bryan song at my DJ gig last night and it was a hit! Haha Turns out in addition to hula dancing skills, you are secretly a great DJ as well!
That’s great... Hope they kicked that dust up! I think I will have to let you do the dancing and DJ’ing... I don’t think the world is ready for what I would bring to the table! (which is a pitch-deaf and awkward moving country boy)
Haha oh, I think the world is ready for it. Anyway, thanks again for the song suggestion, it ended up being really fun! There were
people swing dancing in the middle, and a few people doing a two-step around the outside of the floor. :-)
Whoa look at you go! Congratulations on your achievement!!! What a neat and clever way to celebrate!!! I am currently thinking of ways that I can celebrate as well. I also just achieved 1000+ followers! Keep up the great work! You’re doing an awesome job!! 😃🤗👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉🎈🎈🎈
Aww congrats to you!! It has been a while since we have talked, and I’m so glad to see that you are still killing it out here and doing a great job!! It’s really cool to see how much you needlework Monday initiative has taken off. :-)
Thank you so much! I know it’s been awhile. I was so glad to visit you and catch up on what you’ve been up to! I am so thrilled and excited about #NeedleWorkMonday growing more and more every week! It’s really cool to see something you started blossoming...I’m humbled. ☺️
wow , I was mentioned also, .... I am beyond happy for it... im so glad you have accepted and appreciated my advice . Big Thanks :)
Aww you’re so welcome! Thank you so much for contributing to the conversation and participating. :-)
Hmm. Good stuff. There are a lot of contests going on here on Steemit. In my opinion, this is one of the more worthwhile ones.
And holy crap but you are good at engagement!
Aww thanks my friend!! I couldn’t believe how many people participated! 😊
Great tips for a Newbie Steemian like me. Thank you and everyone. that sent in advice. I'm working my way towards 100 followers now. And of course finding awesome Peeps to follow and get to know along the way. I'm absolutely a follower of you now.
Aww thanks @delilah1taylor! I’m so glad that you found some of the tips helpful! If you ever have questions about Steemit, don’t hesitate to reach out! :-)