The spread of mental illness will get us all killed

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Why is everybody so darn stupid these days?

Don't you feel lost in today's world, especially when dealing with other people? What happened to humanity? Stupidity, everywhere you look. Even here on Steemit.
Sometimes I could just go and bang my head into the wall. I can't take it anymore. Debating them is not an option. I would go as far as saying, a lot of people don't know how to reason properly and some don't even understand what they just read. They haven't got the slightest idea on how to construct a logical, fact based argument. They have never learned it.

When they voice an opinion it usually comes out of an unreflected, self-centered mind that stopped growing when they reached puberty. You cannot convince them of something that contradicts their world view. Their belief system is surrounded by walls that seem unbreakable.
Every idea that doesn't fit is immediately seen as a threat. The guards are on alert. When pushed beyond their inability of dealing with facts, they grab their weapons getting ready for attack.
They defend their childish assumptions (often not even their own) about the world as if their lives depended upon them for survival. You easily offend them should something ever dare question their righteousness. They have never thought anything through.

Does that belief actually make sense and is it reasonable, or does it just benefit their feelings short term? They are good at ignoring. Facts, statistics, empirical evidence and their own contradictions don't count. It is always everyone else who is at fault!

There you have it folks, mental illness at its best.

When exposed to outside ideas they will immediately deny its existence. It cannot be true, otherwise they would have known about it. How dare you question their beliefs?
Once you unknowingly triggered them they will pursue you with the utmost hatred. Someone's feeling got hurt. It's your fault and revenge is theirs! They come out of nowhere. They stalk you. They want to get back at you!
All the time you think to yourself, get a life, people.
I am just exercising my Freedom of Speech right and expressing what I think someone out there appreciates hearing!

They take pleasure in calling you a bigot, racist, sexist and whatnot just to make you shut up. It gives them power. They think by shouting you down and calling you the ugliest things known to mankind it will give them victory. Something you can watch them so desperately trying to attain.

At the same time all the decent people can't figure out why they are losing. And they are. Our world is getting uglier and more insane with every passing hour. With morons (as mentioned above) taking over our societies, the entire world has become a hell.

Yes, I blame the ignorant masses, the sleeping sheep and people who cannot look outside their own filter bubble. They are responsible for voting the craziest politicians into public office.
They support the destruction of the core of the Western societies by suppressing Free Speech, opening borders to Third World Invaders and attacking everyone who seems to be too happy with a traditional lifestyle.

For them it is always the others and “their evil” ideas. Since they lack critical thinking skills they will eventually have to make use of violence. It is their last chance of staying relevant.
They can only win if everyone else is either imprisoned, silenced or dead.
Out of sight, problems are no longer existing and these idiots will retreat to their own happy fantasy worlds, which are far from being great.

The reasonable humans are becoming increasingly rare. The ones with high moral standards, decency and a real sense of reality. I consider myself one of them. Maybe, you too? Hi, welcome to the last refuge of sanity!

Degeneracy is around us everywhere. You simply cannot escape it any longer!

Thanks for reading. Please upvote! Follow me @conspiracynut


Upon reading this, I had to think of: "Arguing with dumb people is like playing chess with a dove. No matter how good you're at it, the dove will step up onto the board, knock over all of the meeples and act as if it won."
Very good post, got my upvote!

Danke. Put the dove back in its "safe" cage. :)

Wow, nice write up. It's everything I think in my head written out.

Thanks and please share.

Raw honesty and it is sorely missed. Thanks for reminding us that we are not alone!!! Much love!

Stupid people - powered by media & co.

Bread and circuses

That's the name of the game.

great post @conspiracynut I know some people that you describe fortunately Im lucky and they are only a few in my surrounding. but if to think in the world scope its a little bit scary. thank you for sharing you thoughts it was interesting reading!

Thank you. Yes, in this modern age it spreads quickly to all corner of the world.

it is not very good, so we must to teach our children to think, talk to them, get them to read the classics, led them to the museums and theaters, so they distinguish the good from the mediocre, were able to express their thoughts and feelings

It is the ego and education hand in hand. There is so much false logic all around us that people are adopting these logic false logic principles by them self's.

They defend they conclusions because nobody is better then them ,nobody is smarter. Who is the most important person in the world me, me, me, me
And there is a lot of people using same false logic fallacies.
Then tribalism comes to the stage. Belonging somewhere , feeling that you are accepted , and there you go MODERN SOCIETY