SJWs – What caused the rise of the Demons -- Part One

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: This post reflects my personal opinion, yours might differ

Let's be honest. Life has not been easy for most people for the last couple of years.

Economic collapse, worldwide conflicts and Social Media have changed all our lives.

What once seemed to be a "stable world" has turned into a nightmarish reality.
When people just a few decades ago went to University they could expect a decent future.
It was almost guaranteed to get a well or excellent paying job, one that brought stability to your life. With that peace of mind, one was able to plan ahead. You could start having a family yourself and buy a home. The future looked bright.

The majority of people were considered middle class. You could afford a nice house, a car or two and family vacations, that brought some welcome changes to the daily routines.
Don't misunderstand, life was far from perfect. But society functioned reasonably well.
People for the most part got along. Racism and Feminism was something that only a few outsiders were concerned with.

But then things changed.

I'm not getting into details what exactly were all the causes, although it might be worth a post by itself.
Here, I wanted to focus on what actually happened to the new generation. The people born after the Cold War, growing up in "relative" privileged and protected times. That is if you were born and living in the West.

But signs of an end of the “Golden Years” were already on the horizon. Life in the 1990s reached a climax. Individualism was widespread. Family divorce were at the highest rates. The Internet came to life.

So this was the beginning of a new time.

“Me time”

It was here. And it would alter our lives. From here on everything started to revolve about one's own life in favor of society. Little children were taught that they were special even when they lacked talent or intelligence.
People were getting divorced thinking that they would miss out on life. Maybe that new partner would be nicer, more beautiful, wealthier. Personal interests ranked first. And this didn't not pass without having a negative impact on the kids growing up during these times.
Psychological problems were assured. But the self-absorbed parents did not care. It was all about them, having the "greatest" time of their life, regardless of the people around them.

Decadence appeared.

Stay tuned for the second part ..

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I'll vote fore you for free.

Lol. What happened to your reputation?

Some people don't like the wisecracks I make.

I'll upvote this in spite of your careless and potentially dangerous comic sans usage!

It's a screenshot of a youtube clip.

You are excused then ;)

I left you a comment yesterday on another post.

Minute 31. 2 votes total, including mine. Payout: Zero. Time invested 2 hours. Thanks Steemit. I'm sure this way forward you will succeed.