Just Made $5 On A Steemit-Like Site 😍 Competition Is A Good Thing Right?

in #steemit7 years ago

Steemit was my first crypto love, and it will be my last. BUT...

... it's not the only show in town. Today I discovered SCRYPTO. A new Steemit-esque social media site. The initial idea was to be a cryptocurrency focused forum but something tells me it will outgrow that purpose pretty fast.

Here is my first ever SCRYPTO post:


As you can see, it has received 5.42 dollars in rewards. Not too shabby.

The reward paradigm is different from Steemit however as three different currencies are supported (EVO, MOTO, DP) and many more are planned to be supported. If you look on the ICO page, you can read the white paper and see the ambitious roadmap, which includes proposals for some exciting features such as currency exchange and live streaming, among others.


Below you can see my wallets. In time, SCRYPTO will support many more currencies. Right now it is very easy, perhaps too easy to send crypto to other users, instantly.


Already it supports communities, also known as "spaces". Anyone can create a community. I set up a Steemit User Community, of course.


I'm really interested to know how Steemit users feel about this. Do you welcome this competition? Do you even see it as competition?

As I said up top, I love Steemit, and I'm hardly about to walk away from 3000 followers, but I do hope this new kid on the block will inspire and motivate the Steemit devs, and shake things up in the social crypto space.

But what are your thoughts?

You can sign up as a new SCRYPTO member here..
You can invest in the SCRYPTO ICO here..
You can read the SCRYPTO White Paper here..


Great article @condra!

Thanks for sharing with us

I think competiton is great!
Steemit has a lot to improve upon - especially looks wise - it's simply not "attractive" enough yet, and still looks too reddit-y for mainstream users. Competition might accelerate the improvements.

Is the forum itself running on a blockchain?

Also, LOL: you made $5 posting over there and $15 telling us about it. This new way of internet is pretty cool :-P

I registered as Demotruk btw. Security reminder: create a totally new and separate password for this site. Don't reuse a password here, especially not your Steemit password! Also, I'm not yet sure if the wallets are custodial. If they are, you should be careful not to put too much money into them.

LOL yeah, maybe I'll make a post about this post on some other social network. And so on, ad infinitum...
Good shout on the security thing! I don't think the forum itself is on a blockchain. I get the impression the guy who set it up wants it to be a replacement for Bitcointalk, but who knows what direction the userbase will take it.

Contrary to their whitepaper claims, Steemit is not just to talk about Steem. Nor is it only English (look at our kr and spanish tags, for example). In fact, I just did a quick check vs. Reddit, there are actually more posts being made about Bitcoin on Steemit than there are on the top Bitcoin subreddit. If the authors checked the tags they'd find posts about every crypto here, and posts in every language.

With steemit account setup difficulties, i think it's a bad thing and things like this means people are going to head to there and do a name grab. So, me too. Thanks @condra for the info.

Scrypto has a lot to offer right now, but Steemit has far more money sloshing around.

Yes, the interface looks pretty cool and yes, the moola accumulating here is too much to leave :-)

Really useful article condra, thanks for share it with us

Cheers dude

This is the second time I'm reading about this crypto and I guess it's time for me to register

super , i will try it right now
than you for this info

It certainly looks interesting, I might have to sign up and join your Steemit Users group.

I don't really see this as competition, yet, but just another space to share content.

Currently Scrypto looks more like a reddit type site where you can post whatever, whereas Steemit, while having elements of reddit, seems much more geared towards bloggers and writers. Each will have their own idiosyncrasies that will make them more (or less) valuable to somebody based on the content they prefer to post.

Well, that sure is interesting. I don't care what kinda crypto they have as long as I can convert it to BTC. I'm certainly intrigued by the part about them already having a community feature because that is something that is severely lacking here on Steemit.

It's very difficult to connect using the tag interface here. Like you, I'm kind of invested here. I've posted some cornerstone content hoping to claim my place, so jumping elsewhere is not optimal, but....

It wouldn't take much just because of the lack of features. Nice share.

Yeah the communities feature makes it far easier to build genuine relationships. Of course, Steemit will have similar community features very soon.

Exactly. It would only take a few key features for Steemit to lock in its domination. I hope to see them soon.

Great article and great find my friend!

The currency they support, is it best to just leave it on the site for now and let it accumulate?


Honestly those 3 currencies are just shitcoins to start out with IMO. Eventually they will have support for some more established currency like Doge or Monero for example. They plan on supporting dozens of cryptos!