Hurry Up DeepAero Conest is Going To Live- Win Passenger & PHANTOM-4 PRO Drone
Get Rewarded with Passenger & PHANTOM-4 PRO Drone here on participating in DeepAero Initial Coin Offering. On participating on their platform you'll get handsome bonus amount too and also chance to win exciting rewards which are :- 1st reward = 1 Passenger Drone ( Cost - $450,000) & 2nd reward = 300 DJI PHANTOM 4 PRO drones ( Cost= $1,500/drone)
Brief Introduction of DeepAero Platform :-
As we all aware about drone and their few use cases. But do you know these drone are going to become future's emerging aviation industry. As these drone can vary in sizes from a bee size drone to mini bus size, which provides so many advantages to drones use cases. These drone are not limited to any particular sector. There are wast range of use cases for drones some of these i've mentioned below:-
- Gaming.
- Drone Aerial Survey.
- Aerial Transportation by UAV .
- Photography .
- Pesticide spray.
- Sports .
- Fire brigade assistance.
- Traffic monitoring.
- Power supply check.
- Inspection of property.
- Agriculture.
- Forecasting and checking on Weather condition.
- Wild life conservation.
- Crowd control management.
- Inspection and maintenance of pipelines, underground sewer system, wind turbines, power lines & so much more.
- High-rise commercial building maintenance and safety inspections etc.
But currently there is no governing system for Drone and UAV (Unmanned Areal Vehicle), which can control these traffics. DeepAero Team have understood this need of traffic Control and management for drones. Team is developing platform which is going to Control and manage Drone, UAV and other Arial Traffic. Deep Aero Team also working to develop passenger drones & Cargo Drones with leading manufacturer. With passenger drones, the peoples flights will more efficient as they will be able takeoff and land vertically.
Products and Features Offered by DeepAero :-
Products :-
DEEP AERO UTM :- Decentralized, intelligent, self-aware, autonomous drone traffic management platform
DEEP AERO Passenger & Cargo Drones :- VTOL Drones for urban transportation and goods running on DEEP AERO UTM
DEEP AERO Drone Market Place :- Decentralized market place for Drone related products and services.
Features :-
Compliant - AI driven Flight plans will full fill all the regulation required. This framework will communicate directly with Drones and UAV for enterprise friendly drone operations.
Efficient:- Drones are capable of direct Vertical flight which is much more efficient than other Aerial Vehicles. Drones are also capable of adopting airspace conditions such as including wind speed , visibility condition and temperature variation.
Safe: - Maximum situational awareness with real-time notifications of nearby traffic, based on the flight plan and live telemetry.
How DeepAero Platform is going to Work :-
DeepAero Framework is going to collaborate AI and Blockchain technology together. Team DeepAero is developing a framework for Areal Traffic Management (UAV & drone ). Here is a small introductory video about DeepAero the Drone People Team and their platform.
Lets meet Team DeepAero:- "The Drone People"
Team DeepAero include leading professional for development of blockchain tech. and also for development of Deep Aero UTM system for Drones and other areal vehicles. Lets know more about them.

Attractive Bonus Amount & Prize winning contest:-
Bonus amount the contributors :-
• Contribution Above 100 ETH = 25% Bonus
• Contribution Between 1-100 ETH = 20% Bonus
• Contribution Less Than 10 ETH = 15% Bonus
Rewards winning contest :-
1st Reward = 1 Passenger Drone ( Cost - $450,000)
2nd Reward = 300 DJI PHANTOM 4 PRO drones ( Cost= $1,500/drone)
Basic Terms & Condition :-
The contest will be live on 1st Sept 2018 & it will be governed by third party so that decision will be transparent .
Entries details are as per contribution made by per contributor will be as follows :-
For 100ETH = 100 entries & for ETH < 1.99eth & > 1 eth = 1 entry for that particular ETH address.Note - Pprizes will be awarded only on successfully completion ( Minimum Crowd fund required = 75000 ETH )
Contestants need to complete their KYC and Verify their ETH address to participate in the contest.
Winner have to take care of all their jurisdiction, excise taxes, and transportation charges.
Small snapshot of ICO & other necessary information :-
Hey Friends your wait will be over soon as ICO will live on 1st May 2018 . Feel free to ask about any query you have regarding procurement of these token. Cash this Golden opportunity by using below Bonus code-
Use above bonus code to sign up on DeepAero Official Page & get extra bonus on your invested amount.
How to Participate in Initial Coin Offering (ICO):-
1st Phase of ICO will be live on 1st May till 15th may 2018 for more detail please visit below site link for ICO.
Follow Below Screenshots and description to participate in Initial Coin Offering.
1st :- Create account as shown below by entering Required details. Once account gets created click on 3rd - Bonus Token Option on left hand side.
2nd :- Bonus Token - On clicking this option you will get another window where you have to enter ETH Address and Bonus Code to receive Bonus amount.
3rd :- KYC is Must- Please upload latest Passport size photo and Address Proof to finish the KYC.
Distribution and Usage of Crowd Funding:-
Here is the breakup of utilization of ICO Fund
50% For Research and development.
25% For Marketing and promotion.
10% For Administration.
10% For Technology Infrastructure.
5% For Legal.
Visit below links to know more about " DeepAero the Drone people" :-
Website :-
Whitepaper : -
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Reference from Link :- 1, 2, 3,45.