The high-falutin naivette of our, supposedly, feminist friends always makes me laugh. I don't suppose those highly respectable ladies ever sat down and considered the reason why advanced humankind developed clothing that covers the women of the tribe up.
Such all-knowing beings as ourselves are surely too busy to concern ourselves with these outdated, and irrelevant norms of the prehistoric past.... or are we?
Ladies, in the wild, in lawless conditions with no police - you need to cover up, because otherwise you will get raped all the time by horny men.
Covering up helps a decent woman only get raped some of the time, not constantly and not by everyone. It helps her gain favor with the other females, who are less likely to see her as a "slut" and unfair competition. The decent men of the tribe are inspired by this, and often are willing to give their lives to protect the decent women from all dangers, all rapists, domestic and international.
That is the origin of our "oppressive" custom to dress modestly, and not spread your legs for the public in wantonly, tawdry self-glorification. Does it restrict women's freedom to bar them from such cheap thrills? Sure. But so what?
Police restricts men's freedom too. Common decency restricts men's freedom even further, as far as their interaction with women.
As you pretend not to know (but I know you know), men have a biological reflex, they get a hard dick from seeing your wonderous feminine charms and men always want to fuck - often when you don't.
That is why you cover up, that is why a woman with her legs spread is indecent and makes everybody nervous as if it's a depiction of a crime scene.

If you want men to magically be "OK" with it, to ignore everything they were evolved to do and be, then you will end up destroying men and you will be left utterly miserable on your own with other miserable women. You can't push and push indefinitely, danging sex in front of men's faces like a scarlet cloth in front of a raging bull, without experiencing a pushback that will send you flying, and land you right on your naive ass in the middle of ridiculously unfavorable circumstances you never bargained for or deserved.
We hope you go back to being your sweet, unpretentious and modest selves very soon, inspiring us to see you as the treasured and cherished mother of our future unborn children... not as a fuck doll to be used by every Jack and Joe. And that you discard this silly blue hair diversion you misguidedly call "empowerment" forever.
Lovingly yours,
The Good Men.