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in #steemit7 years ago

More great advice, R for R. I don't know who these people are and haven't seen them around. I am in for the long haul and in fact my whole life right now is about sowing seeds with blind faith in the future. I can see you've already taken off bigtime on here and I'm not surprised all of your great content and your inspirational attitude would be a big hit on Steemit. As I get more into crypto and all of my little side hustle projects I'm going to blog about them here.


Hey buddy, love the comment, I think you hit the nail on the head with blind faith. There's no gurantee Steemit will take off and be something huge and it's very possible by the time that you or I eventually become whales maybe this site folds or Steem is at a penny, nobody knows but I'm willing to invest some time and effort and gamble that this is going to turn into something huge and even if it doesn't it's not like we've lost. We've learend a lot more about blockchain technology and the web 3.0 which I'm sure will help us down the road as that's the direction things are going, we've become better writers, we've built up a bunch of content we can post elsewhere, I don't really see us losing out even if steemit doesn't get big for us.

looking forward to some of your posts about side hustles and stuff. what kinda stuff are you into?

Thanks so much! I totally agree. I've learned more about cryptocurrencies since joining Steemit than I'd ever known before and now I have so many resources to learn from that I know I'm going to be able to get really into this.

I've been working for affiliate marketing companies for the past 15 years - not doing my own affiliate marketing, but earning a salary and commission from selling marketing services. The irony is I have little practice doing any of it myself. But my friend and I are working on some campaigns now on the side for the first time, learning media buying and building our own sites. It's going pretty slowly but it's a long term play so again it's like planting seeds. I also asked him to join me in my Merch account (if it ever gets approved lol) and we've come up with around 7 designs now. We mocked them up ourselves using Canva and we're going to pay a designer to just polish up the layouts and make them better designs.

I've considered all sorts of different business ideas, though I have no clue how to do them. I am just exploring one or two ideas at a time. Another friend drives for Uber and we talked about starting an Uber fleet. My main worry for that is where the heck to park the cars in NYC if we lose a driver!

I have ideas about theme restaurants or preferably, private dining clubs, but I think that one's a bit too far out of my reach for right now. It's a brutal business (my cousin owned a restaurant in Manhattan for many years). But someday I might start a club as more of a hobby and see what happens. I'd like to have a dining club where we recreate menus that were served in the 1800s, like published menus from famous occasions and/or from early cruise ships. I would work with hunters and farmers from a local radius to get game animals as that was a larger part of people's dining tables in the 1800s. If things got really crazy and I had the wherewithal, I'd love to have this in an old mansion with some acreage around it maybe in Upstate New York and have the guests park their cars in a lot that is hidden from the main approach to the mansion. They would follow a path around a row of trees and come out onto a large open drive area in front of the mansion where they would be picked up in a horse drawn carriage and driven around to the front entrance.

I was an artist as a kid - all I did was draw and paint. I stopped doing it a long time ago and I'd really like to get back to that.

Thanks again for your positive attitude on here. I'm willing to put a lot more into Steemit and we shall all see what comes out of it