in #steemit2 years ago

Prophecy is simply speaking ahead of time or a prediction made before a particular event happened.
In the bible, there are many instances of both children and adults who prophesied in the bible including Jesus christ in the new testament who at the last supper was able to tell that Judas would betray him and peter his right hand man would deny him.
It wasn't just a coincidence, it was prophecy: using this bible reference; Joel 2:28"and it says, And I will pour down my spirit upon all flesh and your son's and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions". Even as a child I was able to prophesy so what about you.
This is to say that people of God, any one can prophesy, and can be a prophet.
The only channel is if God pours out his spirit upon your flesh.
You can't just sit down in your house and God from above pours his spirit upon you; No it isn't done that way but first, you need to align your spirit with his word.
Also in Amos 3:7, says" surely the lord God will do nothing but he reveals his secret unto his servant the prophet.
This is the benefit of being a prophet, wow! aren't you exited because I am too. I get to have a responsibility of listening to God and prophesy unto the nations as moses did in "exodus 8" but I have to read verse 1,"And the lord said unto moses,Go unto pharaoh, and say unto, thus saith the lord let my people go, moses prophesied and was able to know what God was going to do to egypt after wards you must not wait till you hear God to be a prophet or till when you grow up because you are little.
You might be little but you have been chosen by God prophesy, we are the descendants of jesus christ and he prophesied since 2000 years ago and in this our coming generation To prophesy is in our blood and we ought to follow in his footsteps for God to reveal his secrets to us.