Goodbye Youtube - Goodbye Facebook - It's Time We Broke Up.
You see there's another platform in my life now. One that values my time and work. We had some good times don't get me wrong but I think it would be for the best if we just went our separate ways.
Shhhh, don't look at them Steemit, just keep walking, they'll get over it...
~Walking away giggling~

Do you think this would be appreciated here when you leave youtube or facebook
Also if anyone that comes across this my thumb nails stopped showing up in the stream. I'm using copy image address and they start with https:// was working yesterday...
I am Having Problems Posting A thmbnail on My Blog
And I Signed Up Sat Eve, BUt Having Some Problems
I am Not Sure What it is
I just got it to work, I deleted the Facebook addy and replaced it with a wiki addy. Then it popped up :) hope that helps you too :) I guess FB is going to hold a grudge from now on...
I can't say goodbye to Youtube but that's about it besides Steemit.
yeah the post was kind of tongue in cheek, I'll still watch some YT vids but don't think I'll be making anymore..