SteemPowerTrail Alpha - Follow Curators and Your Favorite Authors - Donating All My Voting Power to @Curie

in #steemit8 years ago


Over the past few weeks on Steem I've had a lot of fun curating. Finding new posts, following new authors and expanding my education. I wish I had Steem in prison!

I started writing a post on why I think curating is more important than authoring. By curating you are contributing to author rewards and your vote gives authors more share in the rewards pool.

In the past I've used @xeroc's to follow the trail of some master curator's like @instructor2121 and after speaking to Ned about Curation Guilds I think this could be a very important feature for Steem.

Speaking to @furion he put together and tested a script for SteemPower and @garethnelsonuk has been expanding on it the past few days.

Right now, I'm donating all my voting power to project @curie

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Right now the script is running in Alpha, and we are building out a web application where you can follow your favorite curators and authors when you can't be on Steem full time. Down the road, I think its important there be a way where we can donate a % of curation rewards to the curator.

Ned and the development team at Steemit have indicated they want to add Curation Guilds on the Steem blockchain, but I think moving forward with SteemPowerTrail is still important as it will be easier to test and roll out new features in an off chain application and competition is good!

To quote from this article: by @acidyo

Voting trails take un-used Voting Power, turns it into a win-win situation for both parties, but also gives me a bigger incentive to curate better and improve the quality of the platform with others feedbacks through voting over time.
For instance, if I notice that some of my votes have not received many votes after it, you start to notice patterns over time and with the community slowly move into a "better quality" content agreement. This is something that happens naturally and is relevant to "Survival of the Fittest"

What are your thoughts? Would you join a guild? Would you be a curator?

-Charlie & Witness

Help keep running! Vote for us as a witness the following way:

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What do you mean by guild? What does a guild do?

Having your account follow the trail of another curator. This way, combined voting power on a certain category. Win win for both sides

This is great. It will help people to get more rewards for their posts.

Not quite... it's a loose win for SP owners over 50% of the average pool voting power. The voting power is socialized but the rewards are kept individual. That means if sally joins with 9 SP and john joins with 1 SP, the average SP assigned to each voter is 5 SP. Sally and John both vote with 5 SP. If Sally votes on something and reaps lots of curation rewards, the rewards are not spread to the rest of the group... only to Sally.

I was thinking of a voting block . Kinda the same. Sounds good for minnows like me.

That's just the case with voting in general, right? That has nothing to do with this application. It's baked into the incentive structure of voting.

I wasn't speaking about voting in general... I am really sorry for all the confusion. I am talking about the key word voting guilds. These are a new blockchain object that allows accounts to socialize their voting power.

I don't understand how you are commenting on the structure of something that doesn't afaik exist. Are these formulas written up somewhere?

I am simply commenting what Ned said about the matter. I am pretty sure this is how he claimed it was going to be implemented. The idea being the @steemit account join a voting guild and everyone gets an equal proportion of steemit's voting power.

where is this info? would like to read it. thanks

To clearify,
I wasn't speaking about voting in general... I am really sorry for all the confusion. I am talking about the key word voting guilds. These are a new blockchain object that allows accounts to socialize their voting power.

its cool. i havent seen anything laying that out specifically, only the term put out there. will make for great discussion.

@picokernel thats not accurate. Your scenario is lacking information to have any support. If jon and sally were the only voters, the reward would be close to voting weight represented by SP. Time of vote would also need to be adjusted for.

Throw in 3-4 more voters all with 1 SP each, vote placement and time will determine how much of the reward each will get. You will see the reward spread, especially if sally is last in the voting chain.

Obviously as voting trails grow, management will need to be implemented to allow for rewards to spread to all voters. I can only speak for data gathered for a 100 member trail. This has been my experience.

I am strictly discussing "voting guilds" as proposed by Ned, not the current voting system.

Actually you are discussing voting. The voting guilds are what we call trails aka delegate voting and im just clarifying rewards as they relate to voting guilds/trails.

Its the same stuff. As @smooth pointed out, there are no formulas published explaining this. Im just offering what i have seen in my voting experience.

Edit: Wanted to add that Im not aware of info Ned has put out outlining the guilds. Would love to read it, need a link to post outlining proposal. thanks

Yeah... voting guilds are a specific new thing that will be coming out after graphene 2.0. It's not trailing votes or anything like that. Everybody jumps into a voting pool, and everybody in the voting guild/pool gets the average of that pool's Steem power. It's not something that exists currently. If one person votes on something, it doesn't vote on anyone's account except that person's. More detail will come out soon, you didn't miss anything ;)

Ok, so let me get this straight. so many comments offering different views.

So guilds will average out the members SP and give everyone an equal slice of Steemit pie?

So if you have low SP and are in a guild it benefits you because your average will go up BUT if you ave higher SP you may get less because your SP is lowered by the averaging?

BUT it wont matter because you will be getting more rewards for voting as a block/guild following certain authors?

Is that correct?

Great post! I like the initiative more users are taking towards Curation Trails and can't wait for Curation Guilds in the future!

I tried to promote them a bit in the past, but with the unfortunate timing of the patch and Streemian's curation trail being down for some time now, it didn't really get through to a lot of users. Even harder for the inactive ones to hear about it I guess, since they are inactive :P
Over time I think more users will see the benefits of curation trails!

It has also felt awesome for me to be able to vote on a lot more posts lately and help spread the votes more than I have been able to with my own account and balance. Currently manually voting 100-120 posts per day and after Streemian is back up I will follow @rwh and/or @curie while still maintaining a high % voting power.

But yeah, my Curation Trail is still up and if anyone needs an invite key, let me know. I'll be sticking with Streemian since I heard it might be up and running soon enough again :)

Thanks for your contributions to the platform so far, @charlieshrem! :)

@acidyo 100-120 post a day... You are a machine!! I can appreciate that.

votes* :D not posts haha

While I'm pretty keen to see how the official curation guilds will work exactly - its great to hear we have more options on the way, thanks Charlie :)

In the meantime people can manually follow the votes of @curie (or anyone) without handing over their keys by using the new steemviz follow the votes feature.

(Hope this isn't seen as linkspam, its relevant imo but I'll remove if asked)

I've used Steemviz now and then when Steemstats keeps going down on me and requiring a lot of cpu (I think).

Steemviz is great for following votes too!

As with everything guilds are only as good as their leaders/values.
I am all about making Steemit as awesome as possible and feel that projects like Cure have done a lot for making Steemit MORE awesome for the average user. As awesome as Steemit is there are only a hand full of people who make really good consistent rewards, most people are scraping by and lots of people leave because its "Unfair". I believe people should invest/work for reputation and good rewards but I also believe that valuable content should be fairly compensated for and not just people in the popular clicks.
I am excited that you are excited and pondering ways to make Steemit MORE awesome. That I support!
You are a very intelligent guy with a lot of influence. I am excited to see what happens here on Steemit of it!
Best Regards~*~

Excellent point! Ownership of each community will be vital.

Its very hard to power an initiative if you dont have active participation to help spread the workload. We will find that increased participation can fuel organic growth within a community or initiative.

Wish you the best of luck and I will follow your progress and help out how i can.
Best Regards~*~

Would you join a guild? Would you be a curator?

I am already trying my best to be a good curator and I am pulling my friends with me.
Yes, I'd join a guild :)

Awesome idea, @charlieshrem. I'd like to become more active in curating now that my votes are gaining more worth.

I think the guild ideas are great, I've already offered 500SP investment to project Tunder whale in the future.

I also agree 100% on the curating being super important. A way I figured minnows could grow was to provide a higher allocation of more curation rewards their way instead of directed to the higher SP users.