How I Stopped My Old Habit Of Overeating

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

This could be shocking coming from a fitness junkie...

I had a huge issue controlling what I ate, and how much I ate. The only time I was disciplined enough to control my nutrition was when I decided to step on stage.

Given that I was always interested in psychology and personal development, here is what I realized about overeating...

Food addiction is a thing! Our compulsive and negative thinking is causing us to be addicted to a temporary sense of satisfaction but we end up suffering with long-term consequences.

Overthinking = overeating (The mind moves its issue onto the body).

The negative, compulsive thinking paradigm feeds off that short-term sense of satisfaction. A behavior paradigm is created as a result (a new habit has been created).


We must create a habit of observing and "checking up" on our thoughts. This allows us to be the observer, it allows us to detach ourselves from these negative thoughts that we think are us when in fact they are not.

It's the first step of change because you can't change something if you don't know it exists.

Because this thinking paradigm has been with us for a very long time, we are accustomed to it and it becomes hard to sense its presence.

After we relearn to study our mind's environment, we can begin by balancing our chemistry using a few techniques.

1) Affirmations

Affirmations is a great way to change your negative thinking and/or behavioral pattern. Our subconscious mind responds to repetition. The overeating habit was created as a result of its constant occurrence. By telling your mind over and over again certain things, it will begin to expand and grow based on that idea. You feed that idea with repetition. Write down your affirmations a few times a day for 28 days, and watch the changes..

2) Visualization

Our mind works in images. If I tell you to think of an apple, the first thing that happens is an image of an apple appears on the screen of your mind. Since your mind communicates using images, you have to learn how to talk "images" so it can understand you. Visualize what you desire and feel the emotion that's behind what you desire. Affirmations will help you create a more vivid picture of what you want. Your mind will become accustomed to this idea and will move energy down to the body where the actions will take place to make your desires a reality

3) Controlling external environment

Environment is everything! We are all energies. If you are sitting in a coffee shop with a dominant negative energy, that's going to affect you. Whether you feel it or not, a part of you will react to it. If you have friends that are always complaining and thinking negatively, you're going to become exactly that. I let go of a lot of people in order for me to progress. In order for me to recognize my potential. You're going to hurt people as a result of trying to control your environment, but if you value yourself then it's necessary. There is a lot of loving people out there with INCREDIBLE energies. Find the others ;)

4) Trusting the process

It's not going to happen over night. You're washing away habits that were occurring for years. I'm not saying it's going to take years, but I'm also not saying that it's going to take a few days. Consistency is everything. Whether you're trying to lose a bunch of weight or a bunch of habits.

Thought I'd use some of the energy I'm receiving today in hope to help some people since this is a very common problem nowadays