EVERYBODY wants an upvote, yet NOBODY is helping filter relevant content.

in #steemit7 years ago


If you registered on this site under the assumption that this platform is some sort of "paid Facebook", let me bring your attention to the fact that there's no option to change your status.

Also, there's no 140 character limit. This isn't Twitter either.

Now you're probably thinking, "I know this, why is this stranger behaving so freaking condescending?!"

Because you post every time you show us what you had for dinner, every time you THINK we care about your pets, your mood, your haircut, and the density of your stool.

This way everything that could be considered at the very least slightly interesting gets lost in the depths of hell.

Now every new user is starting to believe that we want to see pictures of their trips to McDonald's and that it will turn then into billionaires.

Scrolling down to upvote interesting stuff has become a challenging and boring task. Turn down your ego a little bit. Just because there are no moderators doesn't mean you should abuse the benefits Steemit offers.


Especially frustrating when you put a lot of effort into some quality content and see it disappear below the mass of shitposts within seconds. We need a platform for content that is constructive and in some way trying to help improve Steemit, with everything else being deleted. That way attention could be brought to the important things and still it wouldnt feel like its forced onto anyone.

Exactly! I put about an hour into compiling an overview of my favorite short stories, writing a little into about it myself, and within the minute it was snowed under by rubbish. I've decided I'm not letting myself get demotivated by it, I'll just keep creating content that I like. But it is a bit annoying.

Sounds like me lol. Worked on a - possibly - large improvement of the international communication on Steemit for about 3 days and it disappeared so quick only 3 people even opened the post.

I just deleted the whole thing and consider reuploading it since I put quite some work in it. Just not sure if its worth it to promote the post or if it will just end up disappearing again.

I agree, it's hard to filter through all the nonsense when browsing New. Of course everyone would like to earn some money, so most are just blogging about anything they can think of.

I wonder what could be done to help solve this problem, it's not something I know a solution for. All I can do is just upvote actual interesting content, as we all should :)

Upvoted, just for a little irony :D
On a more serious note, we could maybe start a debate whether it would be beneficial to implement something as an "irrelevant button". Of course this would bring its own consequences. Tell me what you think

It's not the worse idea, actually. Everything that's voted as "irrelevant" at least 10 times before it gets the same amount of upvotes, should be sent to another category so it can be properly filtered by those Steemian who want to take a look at the "Potential Garbage" section.

Yeah we could maybe have a dedicated account like steemcleaners to do this. It just bothers me a bit that there are people that put so much effort into making good quality posts that eventually get drowned out in a sea of irrelevance.

I needed to vent a little. I always try to spend a couple hours upvoting newbies as a way to motivate them, but it's become an increasingly difficult task.

I'm upvoting you because I want to! Plus you make some good points, people will get it eventually. In the meantime, we must be patient :-).


It's ok. I'll just assume we have an opinion in common.