Steemit Donations For These Poor Street Sellers - New Delhi

in #steemit8 years ago

I usually head out to the market every weekend to get small gifts for my two little ones. Yesterday while walking through a neighborhood market with my daughters, a small social cause hit my brain. And hence this post. Please read carefully!

There are two street vendors you see here - first is this lady and her infant. Sitting right on the path of other people. My elder daughter is sitting behind the infant and listening to the lady's story


--> She is selling "spinning tops" which are made of plastic, have a cheap led and two button cells.
--> She sells these for Indian rupee 10 per piece. That means you can buy almost 7 in one US Dollar
--> Assuming a profit of 40%, she makes Rs 4 per piece. If she sells 20 in one day, she is earning just Rs 2400 per month. That is less than 40 dollars per month. And im not even considering the bribe she has pay the cops so that she can sell stuff on the road :-(

This is how the spinning top looks, once on the moveIMG_20170827_205808493-800x600.jpg

I bought few of these for my daughters along with this little parrot you see - this one too costs Indian rupee 10 and comes with a color-changing LED. I couldn't stop staring at her little kid. Poverty is a very bad thing.

The little parrot with color changing LEDIMG_20170827_205709409-800x600.jpg

Moving on, we spotted another street seller, this time with a better set-up. He wasn't sitting down but standing - probably stands for 6-8 hours every day. But he was well dressed, well behaved and felt shy when I wanted to take his picture.


Bought a few items from him too without bargaining. This phone with sounds costs Indian rupee 50. That's less than a dollar.


These expandable foam animals cost Rs 50 per packet - there are 12 capsules in all - drop them into water and they turn into foam animals in 5-10 minutes.



This Doraemon phone and green watch together cost Rs 60 - that's less than a dollar


So why this long post

--> I am looking for all of us to come forward and donate for such street sellers
--> No, we won't pay them cash. We will instead buy toys from them, toys on which they earn
--> These toys will inturn be gifted by us to various orphanages in Delhi
--> This way, the street sellers earn and the children in orphanages get a reason to smile.
--> Makes sense?

My aim is to buy the toys, 100 of them (ranging from small Rs 10 to big Rs 100 ones) by next weekend on Saturday and visit the orphanage the next day, ie Sunday. The boxes that I will make for the toys will have just one branding - ours - Steemit!

How can you help

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I am also finding a way to stream Facebook LIVE thru a Steemit post next Sunday when I go to the orphanage - can anyone help in this regard?

God bless you all. Lets get this done guys #Steemit


Continue to help the poor and you will be rewarded. Just don't give up helping, this is why we call human. @bunnypunia, thank you so much.

Well said @cloudspyder and THANK YOU as well :-)

I really enjoy seeing posts like these. It always helps to boost my spirits and keeps me focused on the things that matter. Great post!

Life indeed is beautiful if we want it to be

Good luck with this and great initiative! :)

The 'man' has replied! Thanks for the support brother. Much appreciated

Thank you @gnimeets - i have followed u also

Thanks for sharing the very informative post......

upvoted and followed

Thanks @amarmech595 - god bless you

Very well done..i wll resteem dis post

Thanks @chanchal85 - as my bit, I have followed you as well as @mohanika back :)

Wishing you all the best in your project :)

Hi friend, I want to ask you a favour please go here and vote for me in the comments

U upvoted the wrong person am @practicaleric,my comment is down there :)

this is touching.. great post.. upvoted and followed.. :)

Thanks @mohanika - spoke to my daughters and im so glad they understood ( the little one is 2+ only). Fingers crossed now...

Upvoted and also resteemed!

You are so generous person. Spreading happiness is a noble cause. Upvoted and followed you.
I work for animals rights. Please visit my post.

Thank you sir. have followed you back as well