Okay, So... Does This Site Even Work?

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

Today I tried to upload a profile image. That should be easy, right?
Well I clicked "settings" and had to log into steemit wallet, which is for whatever reason a different page from Steemit (Problem #1). Then I was told to login using my "Posting Key."
So I did.
Then I uploaded a profile pic, and tried to click "update."

The button was grayed out.
I was told the key I logged in with did not have sufficient permissions to do this.
So I logged in with my active key. This redirected me to the wallet main page, where I clicked "settings," and saw...
...the steemitwallet login page again.
I repeated this process twice before realizing it was a loop (Problem #2).
Thinking maybe I was using the wrong key, I tried logging in with all four of those strings of gobbledygook called "keys" that the site spat at me when I joined (Problem #3).
Not a single one gave me sufficient "permissions" for the simple act of adding a profile pic (Problem #4).

After waiting two weeks for my account to be approved (Problem #5) and spending a day on this site, I really am thinking I have utterly wasted my time. I don't believe I've ever seen a social media site so badly designed.


So the final verdict is simply that the image I was using was too small. Frankly, this seems to be another rather ridiculous restriction, but whatever. :-/


If I may make a suggestion, try using Steempeak.com and sign in with the Steem keys, or, if you would install the Keychain extension, you simply install your posting and active keys in and give the extension a password of your choosing, you will probably find that this is rather enjoyable, a lot more than what you have encountered so far. I have put an invitation to the Steem Terminal in Discord if you would like so you don't use up Resource Credits on Steem, in other words it's free to learn. Please come and join us if you like, there are cool tricks to learn that make this fun. James


I'll be honest, steem seems to be extremely confusing... Its why I haven't posted much yet.
The same type of thing happened to me.
Glad you figured it out and Good luck!