Stick it to the banks....

in #steemit7 years ago

Here is an opportunity to tell the f^#%*ing banksters what you think of their thievery. Once again these parasites on humanity are preying on the weakest.

$2.5 billion tax break, 4th quarter profits of $2.4 billion and some f#%*er in a suit in a meeting says "I've got a great idea, lets rape and pillage those who have the least". And all the other f&>ers stand up and say "great idea"!

Here is a PETITION at to let these scumbags know you don't approve of their latest scam to steal from the poor.

Maybe using decentralized technology to inundate them will help get the message across.

Come on STEEMIT, resteem this bad boy....let's do it!



Up voted and resteemed my brother! The sheering of the sheep will continue until the sheep stand together right? Hard for me to ever see that happen as most sheep are addicted to the system. I like gregory f's comment. It's true that the only way you get their attention is by way of how you spend their fiat and how you manage it. Enjoyed!

Thank you Brother!!
We just need to stop using their funny money printed out of thin air and then loaned to people and governments at interest. "The creature from Jekyll island" bwaahaha!!

Well, I disagree with the petition, at least the part about how BofA used to care about their little customers. Horse manure! Excuse my strong language. I dropped BofA about ten years ago because their business practices were, I felt, predatory. Took my home load, checking account and credit card away from them. I bank at a small local bank now and am much happier. That's how you make 'em hurt, take your business elsewhere.

Well done and nicely said. This is exactly why cryptos are taking off and the banksters are getting worried about their claim on the money supply. People ARE waking at a time!

The banksters are starting to fight back, they've already got visa and mc to cancel debit cards backed by bitcoin.

Just a small stumbling block...we shall prevail!!!!

Interesting info!! Thanks for sharing this!

You're welcome......just getting a little tired of these f%^~ers printing money out of thin air and charging everyone interest. And then screwing the poor on top of it.

F++cking Amen dude.

Totalemente de acuerdo con este articulo. Upvoted and resteem

¡Guauu! Muchas gracias.

Tienes toda a razón. Estoy de acuerdo.

Waoooo, te apoyo 100% @brimax en esta iniciativa insurgente, soy de los que cree que si fuésemos capaces de crear una masa critica suficientemente importante, causaríamos un impacto letal a esta cuerda de víboras y depredadores que sustentan sus fortunas con las calamidades, abusos y violaciones que perpetran contra los mas desvalidos e incautos. gracias por tu aporte.

¡Bien dicho Hermano!