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RE: Quick Tips And Friendly Advice For New (and Old) Steemians

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Oh man, you and I are more alike than you know! I'm the same way with having to read things multiple times so I will understand it or like you said, forget part of it. Grammar and spelling is one of my weaknesses that continues to get worse every day. When I went through rookie school, I took a mini tape recorder to class and recorded the instructor everyday because of my short attention span. Back when I grew up, we didnt gave ADD and other learning disorders so to be honest, I probably have something like that but was never diagnosed with it, just had to work harder lol. When I went through instructor school, I had to stay up until like 0300 in the morning every night studying because that course was so difficult for me. It was a 2 week course away from home, kinda like a boot camp scenario. When they told me that I passed, I literally broke down crying. They asked me what was wrong and I told them that its just been a really rough 2 weeks on me mentally. And then the first time I actually taught a class...damn! So I know where you're coming from and it's all good! Writing about myself and posting pictures of myself is definitely stepping outside of the box for me. But so far I don't regret it. To be honest, it actually helps to get on here and let a few things out where I'm such a hermit all the time.

I really enjoyed that hangout too last night. I need to do that more often!


Wow your right man a lot the same. I had a similar story like that when I was in Boot Camp and in training to be a mechanic. I was a mechanic a year before basic so I know way more then 90% of the others taking the same class. I didn’t have time to study for a test they give us. It was read the book then take the test. I failed and that set me back three week 😔. Oh well right. I made it through the rest with flying colors. Well it’s good to know someone that can understand the Challenge.