Decentralized vs centralized social:

in #steemit6 years ago


Decentralization increasingly attracts:  

Decentralization is often a misunderstood concept and leads many to think that its sole purpose is to resist government censorship, or as a form of disagreement with the actors who run the economy.  

But these are certainly not the only reasons why decentralization can bring about improvements in our lives. An improvement at the social, economic but also at the level of security of our data as we will see later.  

Centralized vs. decentralized platforms: 

 Centralized social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat etc. they follow a predictable life cycle. At the beginning they do their utmost to recruit new users and as a result they also attract developers, companies and third parties in general who see growth as an opportunity for profit. The more platforms are used, the more their services become valuable, thereby increasing their power over users and third parties.  

When adoption has reached very high levels (mass adoption) and growth is no longer sustainable, the business becomes that of extracting information from users, exploiting this information to its advantage or selling it to third parties as demonstrated by recent events. 

 In an era in which therefore the problem of privacy on social scares more and more people, in which the centralized platforms have lost confidence in them as well as having achieved levels of growth hardly sustainable in an ethical manner, they place good and solid bases for the creation of decentralized platforms such as STEEMIT.  

These unlike the first are not managed by a central unit that has the sole objective of the profit but vice versa are the users who make up the community to have, based on their ability, the possibility of generating a profit based on the quality of content posted in relation to the amount of likes and comments received, without the risk that someone uses our preferences to sell them to third parties by making users a product to be squeezed.  

Thanks for your attention to the next;) 


Absolutely agree with that, not using facebook and co.
A few large companies are controlling all of the internet nowadays. They are abusing and disrespecting and forcing their views and power on all citizens. Only decentralization can break their might!