
Oh damn, the days I used SQL are way behind me and that is as far as I got on data analysis. Mongodb and r and Sas are words beyond my comprehension. I guess I thought it was a page that summarized information, not the data base itself! I´ll have to settle with your summaries then, which are indeed helpful.

Check out steemdata for some cool charts and steemdb in the 'labs' tab has some really interstjng data.

Oh that sounds simpler, I guess today that I have time I will do it! Thanks for the tip man,

@bitgeek, I too am an old dino, and I can tell you, SQL has little do with big data anymore. In fact the system he uses, MongoDB is in a class of data stores, specifically called "NoSQL" db's. This guy makes it sound easy, but he's doing rocket science stuff, using R and Sas to do this.