Payout Stats Report for 28th July 2017

in #steemit8 years ago

Welcome to the latest Payout Stats Report.

In this report, the Payout statistics are split by user level (from dust to legend).

There are 7 account types on Steemit and they differ depending on the level of mega vests they possess (which depends on the amount of Steem Power they hold). In this report we recognise the most popular posts by user type.

The seven user types are:

  • dust (0 to 0.01 mega vests)

  • newbie (.01 to .1 mega vests)

  • user (.1 to 1 mega vests)

  • superuser (1 to 10 mega vests)

  • hero (10 to 100 mega vests)

  • superhero (100 to 1000 mega vests)

  • legend (greater than 1000 mega vests)

The report uses pending payout data on all posts published in the last 24 hours, although we have allowed at least 3 hours for votes to build up on every post analysed. Posts published in the last 3 hours are therefore excluded, however, they will be included in the next report (published this time tomorrow)

Under each category, I provide the following stats:

  • Top 10 highest paid posts for an author
  • Payout distribution for that category
  • Share of total rewards from category

Dust Accounts

Dust users have a Steem Power balance of between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Dust Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@oceanchild2017-07-28link139.91Hi I'm Aneesha! I'm the Youngest Surfer from India and This is My Introduction!
@animejp2017-07-28link127.06Drawing Art - Itachi Uchiha "Naruto Series"
@balditron2017-07-28link118.91Mining Rig Repairs
@jacquelyne2017-07-28link118.79The Bloom : A Short Story
@christianyoung2017-07-28link116.09Year of Daily Drawings 2017: Week 3
@agmalirsadi2017-07-28link115.41A pet born from a nightmare and named "The Monstrous Nightmare"
@katedansyng2017-07-28link114.10Mangos – Frozen, Dehudrated, or Canned?
@jorgevandeperre2017-07-28link106.92Mandala, drawing and coloring
@musiccircle2017-07-28link102.10Steemit open mic week #43 - Indian Classical music on Violin
@mephentis2017-07-28link40.96A Totalitarian Abduction (Part -IV)

Payout distribution for Dust users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Dust user category.

The total posts in the 24 hour period was 4895. The overall mean payout was 0.56.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to Dust users accounted for 9.51% of the total payouts in the 24 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 2717.87. The total across all user categories was 28585.84.

Newbie Accounts

Newbie users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.01 and 0.1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Newbie Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@bestofbest2017-07-28link117.856 Things You Should Never Do In a Brand New Car (Violate 'em at your own risk)
@frostfractal2017-07-28link112.72DIY Slayer Exciter Circuit - High Voltage from just 6 x 1.5V batteries!
@teukurobbybinor2017-07-28link103.35Saleum-Fingerstyle Guitar(Reintepretation) by Me
@dapeng2017-07-28link57.11Greek Holiday (Part 2) 希腊假日(2)
@kishan2017-07-28link52.84Memechallenge #27 entry #1
@love4forex2017-07-28link43.67Questions That are Idiotic....
@jkhchoice2017-07-28link42.75[여행] 제주 여행기 (07.20~23), 1일차(1)
@nellyhandmade2017-07-28link41.82My handiwork!
@bellyrub2017-07-28link40.43Bellyrub moved to a new home (Server) Min Bid is now .15 SBD 28,952.406 Steem Power
@aace2342017-07-28link27.62Gundam Feature 3 HG 1/144 Gundam X Maoh

Payout distribution for Newbie users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Newbie user category.

The total posts in the 24 hour period was 2703. The overall mean payout was 0.81.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Newbie accounts

Payments made to Newbie users accounted for 7.67% of the total payouts in the 24 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 2192.11. The total across all user categories was 28585.84.

User Accounts

User users have a Steem Power balance of between 0.1 and 1 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for User Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@philosophist2017-07-28link179.1450 Mile Trike Ride. Personal Record. -80lb Goal
@luxurious2017-07-28link134.40Monthly gaming releases - Top 5 August releases
@olyup2017-07-28link116.42Overwatch League Player Minimum Salary $50,000 per year
@spencec62017-07-28link114.2302.05 - Size - The Foundations of Typography
@stortebeker2017-07-28link107.11Mexican Murals – Winston Churchill and the Bike Movement
@cryptovest2017-07-28link99.86Running 11 AMD GPUs on AsRock H110 on Ubuntu
@treinorstudio2017-07-28link86.39Some of my coloring and inking studies! -Mechatime Project by Treinor
@timknip2017-07-28link71.06转发任意贴子resteem alpha1
@gktown2017-07-28link64.79Raising STEEM Power to Join @lukinsawyer's Cross Country STEEM Journey
@travelgirl2017-07-28link63.08Food Sharing #5 - Sushi-Ya @ Artarmon, Australia 🇦🇺今天吃什麼 #5 - Sushi-Ya 日本餐 @ Artarmon, 澳洲 🇦🇺

Payout distribution for User users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the User user category.

The total posts in the 24 hour period was 2047. The overall mean payout was 2.46.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to User accounts

Payments made to User users accounted for 17.59% of the total payouts in the 24 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 5028.06. The total across all user categories was 28585.84.

Superuser Accounts

Superuser users have a Steem Power balance of between 1 and 10 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superuser Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@joshsigurdson2017-07-28link192.43Jim Rogers: The Dollar Will CRASH! - Cashless Society Means The Government OWNS Us!
@joshsigurdson2017-07-28link184.39Countless Activists Thrown In Prison! - What We Can Do About It (with Adam Kokesh)
@mrviquez2017-07-28link164.46Class starts in about three hours!!!!! Sign up now to be part of Steemit101's first class ever!!!!!
@myfirst2017-07-28link159.12扫一扫 Steemit 中国社区微信二维码
@elfkitchen2017-07-28link156.34My Journey - Hong Kong Disneyland Part 2 香港海景
@birds902017-07-28link148.89My photography - Hornet (Original) 大黄蜂
@jeffberwick2017-07-28link147.64Be Like Dogs: Living In The Now and Accepting Reality
@sportspodium2017-07-28link128.16Making Sport Fun again
@eveuncovered2017-07-28link127.23Early Morning Glory

Payout distribution for Superuser users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superuser user category.

The total posts in the 24 hour period was 922. The overall mean payout was 8.84.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superuser accounts

Payments made to Superuser users accounted for 28.50% of the total payouts in the 24 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 8148.31. The total across all user categories was 28585.84.

Hero Accounts

Hero users have a Steem Power balance of between 10 and 100 Mega Vests.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Hero Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@kingscrown2017-07-28link406.29If you were not aware in 4 days you can have 14%+ more of BTC for free.
@timsaid2017-07-28link391.79Myth or Fact? #32– Bananas grow on Trees
@rea2017-07-28link301.72A Queen for the Weekend in the Scottish Highlands – Part III / 苏格兰高地行之三
@bookingteam.com2017-07-28link250.11How to Deal With Unhappy or Angry Guests
@deanliu2017-07-28link200.35🐦 寫在Steem騰飛之前 🐦 Oh the Eagle Flies High
@helene2017-07-28link167.52Chocolate Cookies 醇美醉人的巧克力饼干
@firepower2017-07-28link154.25Introducing The Youngest Female Surfer and Other Cool New Users from India to Steemit Including my Mother!
@steemcleaners2017-07-28link135.33Steemcleaner Report for July 25, 2017
@awgbibb2017-07-28link132.29Chronicles of Alan;Sound Engineer, Anyone? Bohemian 10

Payout distribution for Hero users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Hero user category.

The total posts in the 24 hour period was 333. The overall mean payout was 23.41.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Hero accounts

Payments made to Hero users accounted for 27.27% of the total payouts in the 24 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 7796.48. The total across all user categories was 28585.84.

Superhero and Legend Accounts

Superhero users have a Steem Power balance of between 100 and 1000 Mega Vests. Legend users have a Steem Power balance of greater than 1000 Mega Vests.

Superhero and Legend accounts have been combined as the data is too sparse in the Legend category on its own for credible statistical analysis.

Highest Pending Post Payouts for Superhero and Legend Accounts

UserDate of PostPost LinkPending Post PayoutTitle of Post
@dan2017-07-28link822.60EOS Development Sneak Peek for Very Early Developers
@furion2017-07-28link207.58Introducing Viewly Alpha
@adsactly2017-07-28link144.40The Power of Community: The Benefits of Open Value Networks
@jrcornel2017-07-28link139.12A new signaling period for SegWit just started...
@sanghkaang2017-07-28link119.62빌게이츠를 제치고 세계 1위 부자가 된 아마존 CEO 제프 베조스, 이 사건이 시사하는점은?
@oldstone2017-07-28link96.48어제 저녁에 본 일과 관점의 차이(뻘글인데 제목을 좀 멋있게 보이려고... ㅎㅎ)
@trevonjb2017-07-28link77.07YOU ONLY NEEDED ONE TRADING VIDEO
@leesunmoo2017-07-28link76.36스팀달러 거래 중개 서비스 (2017-7-28) 베타버전
@exyle2017-07-28link56.96Vlog #62: @mrviquez steemit 101 course, Poloniex Steem Price, and more than 800.000 transactions in a day on the Steem blockchain!
@leesunmoo2017-07-28link55.32[kr-steemloan] 5차 steemloan 시범 서비스(마이너스 10% 금리 적용)-20170728

Payout distribution for Superhero and Legend users

The graph below shows the payout distribution for percentile in the Superhero and Legend user categories.

The total posts in the 24 hour period was 42. The overall mean payout was 59.38.

Share of total pending payouts allocated to Superhero and Legend accounts

Payments made to Superhero and Legend users accounted for 8.72% of the total payouts in the 24 hour period. This translates to a total amount of 2493.90. The total across all user categories was 28585.84.

The next report will be available on the 29th July 2017.

Thank you for reading.

The data was sourced from


nice stats as usual, good to have you back, seems you havent posted in a while.