Good night Steemit friends! Anyone ever get punished, what kind of punishment does it?

in #steemit7 years ago


Apakah teman teman pernah mengalami serupa seperti di gambar berikut ini ? Hahah 60 dari 100 orang pasti pernah merasakan kejadian lucu yang akan terkenang sampai tua kelak .

Jika teman menyukai gambar ini , bantu saya dengan upvote konten saya beserta saran dan kritik teman teman sekalian .


Have friends ever experienced similar like in the following picture? Hahah 60 out of 100 people must have felt the funny incident that will be remembered until old age. If a friend likes this picture, help me with upvote my content along with friends' suggestions and criticisms. Regards @ bgdal17

Salam @bgdal17
