Dlive Vs Steemit Vs The World - My Perspective

in #steemit7 years ago

Let me share how I look at this entire event

Okay so to be honest I was getting used to Dlive, i was getting regular upvotes, earning some extra income, all nice and good, now this post is not gonna be long at all, this is how i look upon it and people disagreeing or agreeing with it doesn't really mean anything to me.

But for the sake of a new perspective I'm gonna share my part.

So i heard Dlive was migrating out of the Steem Blockchain first thought that came to my mind is, this is a good thing, certain things dlive could not do they now are gonna be able to do, now Dlive is either gonna make or break it. And in the end this is their choice!

Since i know the crypto space is like a baby/infant now it has yet to see a crypto boom if you will. So everything is possible.

Now i understand that some people see Dlive as having abused the goodness of Steemit and used it as a launching platform, But let's be honest if you are building something you would wanna get the most out of it.

Everyone will have their own perspective surrounding this issue and the fact of the matter is nobody is wrong, these are all valid points of view in the way how you look at it, and so do they.

Now I like Dlive I think it has potential. I think people like to see me play Fortnite on Dlive, although i have a lot to learn as in being a professional streamer, hopefully someday :)

Regardless of the confusion and distrust doing the rounds, I will now be streaming on Vimm TV But also on Dlive at the same time. If anything this allows me the opportunity to have a potential of 2 sources of income, no matter how small or large they may be, you all know I appreciate every single vote or donations wheter that is 1 cents or a dollar.

The amount does not matter to me i love to have fun, and if there was no fun in what i do i would not be doing it! thats my life's GOLDEN RULE!

So yes Dlive is going its own way, and im curious to see what it brings, just as much as I am curious to see where Vimm will go to and just as much as i am still looking forward as to which heights steemit may one day rise to.

The bottomline is whether you like it or not I turn my attention to positivity not only for me but everyone involved.

I hope that you understand that not everybody shares the same viewpoint and thats alright, we should sherish differences and variety. Its what makes people and life in general unique.

Have an awesome Sunday Everyone!


DLive was awful... never worked ... glitchy

Posted using Partiko iOS

Have you tried using Dtube, it's terrible!

Yeah...I could never ever get Dtube to work ... always get error messages ...can’t upload a thumb nail blah blah blah...

Posted using Partiko iOS

It had good and it had bad moments, as all things do.

Do your videos disappear after a few days ? It was really weird.

Posted using Partiko iOS

about 2x it happened for me over a period of 4-5 months give or take. so yes as i said some bad moments.

I hope you are going to make an income from both and are you free to choose any platform that exists out there.

My pleasure. :)

I have my reservations about the way things played out, but I will doing the same thing you are. I have the bandwidth to support it, and double the opportunities for income is a good thing.

There's a definite feeling of cloak and dagger that I can't quite shake, though...Maybe it's my imagination, but something feels off about the suddenness of the announcement, the demeanor in the general chat, and the reaction on Steemit. My gut says something's up and I don't like it.

There is always an underlying reason for many things when it comes to a platform or business, to make sudden moves like that, so sure there is. it would be weird if there wasn't. But clarity of mind lights the way for a positive outlook to become visible.

But let's not jump to conclusions which i feel almost everyone does on pretty much any kind of subject.
And the truth is nobody knows. So putting energy in a hopeful scenario seems to me the way to go and the way i prefer. and its not about sticking your head in the sand ofcourse but i do always follow my instict and it tells me that for most this will be beneficial.

Thanks for sharing your perspective as well appreciate it :)

I put so much work into a video.... and then I could never find them on DLice.... No respect for Creators. Worse than Youtube

Posted using Partiko iOS

well yeah that does suck, and is extremely unfortunate, so i can understand your perspective in this matter. All the best to you though. :)

The thing that I don’t like about any of these Blockchain platforms is that you only make income for 7 days... I have a few hundred videos on YouTube and I make at least $2 a day forever

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think many agree but it is the developers that have created that business model. And up to them to change!

Is LINO going to allow perpetual, infinite income from your videos ? That would be a good thing

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think they are, i have yet to read all of the technicalities but i haven't found the time just yet.

We will have to see where vimm goes. It doesn’t seem many of the Dlive community is following Dlive to Lino.

We'll have to wait and see

Steem should also allow people to make money forever from their posts.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I agree. we can only hope buddy ;) someday perhaps
