The Last Piece

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I thought I saw the green light so I sped off right into the highway to your heart. Green means go; but I wasn’t sure what yours meant. Perhaps I should have waited for a "yes", but I loved you so much that your silence already meant yes - so I thought, the feeling which kept me speeding right into your heart without breaks. Everything; your laughter, smiles and shenanigans were like the blues that calm my tired nerves. Where were you all these years - I thought to myself, now I am home; exhales.

Every imagination of your love increased my acceleration that I hardly noticed my speed limit had been exceeded. It felt like paradise, and wearing a seat belt seemed like restriction, but you never came out straight.

I can love for two, my love is enough for us, even if you want to walk away someday you can - things I said, and more to assure you of my love, yet you just smiled, nothing more. I was madly in love so I didn’t care. That exactly describes what I felt for you, even when your feelings for me remained a mystery; you never mentioned, not even a blurred hint.

Now I am 180km/h on the highway to your heart without a seat belt, no Airbag, a deafening loud music and endless laughter on the phone; reckless. No safety precaution seemed to make sense at the time, for loving you eroded all conventions until the Boom! I crashed into your No and there was nothing left of me but the fragments of my heart. And now please, give me the last piece of me stuck in the frames of your heart and I would gently walk away...

17 Minutes 17 Seconds Later


Four drops of tears rolled down my phone screen as I went off the phone. I watched them thin; from round chubby drops I watched, till they became faint sticky stripes on my phone screen.

The torrent of tears from my eyes came stronger as the phone call lengthened. With head on a pillow and phone placed against the ear, the escaping tears effortlessly flowed downwards, sealing the gap between the screen and my right cheek.

Beep beep beep, and the call was up with impressions created all over; a broken heart, a resounding voice in the head, noisy ears, flattened wet right cheek, weak right arm, tired neck and eyes lustrous from glossy tears. Yes, noisy ears. Noisy from disbelief- for same ears heard soothing words months ago.

Heartbreaking; so it was, for just in 1037 seconds, a gigantic love story collided against an iceberg that robbed off on it. As cold as ice it has become, but it was once hot as the northern sunshine – my imaginations.

Owning no blames, the tears rolled down faithfully till the heart found momentary solace. The beginning had them, yet the end had them to witness.

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girls and dia green lights. lol

Lol. That seems to be their favourite colour