Moving to hivesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Fuck you Justin, we're moving to Hive.

Fuck Justin Sun


just make your money man why do you bother so much... you still wasting your time with this nogano guy?? i think you are the problem you should just have let it go.... its been a year now and all i see and hear from people is how bad you are!!! you take things to personal chill out man...!!! get your money why do you care wtf other people do...?? you acting like trump with a big ego! rule number 1 dont stick where they spit rule number 2 the best weapon is ignoring them... the more attention you give them the more they will try to piss you off! (i made those rules lol ) but u get the point!

This is not to be taken lightly. This guy is unstable enough to follow through on his threats. Make sure there is security at Steemfest.

:D that would give some credit to him :D what a shitty time, making me laugh at such bullshit. He's erroneously hating the world because he's sad as fuck that his life sucks probably, I read a post that even his brother wouldn't help him and damn him to hell too, bernie is just trollishly trashing him. Sad on both ends. Well bernie knows how to pick them and where to poke, mostly everywhere.

and nobody at steemit gives a fuck that he is getting paid to psychologically torment people either, why is he even still here? oh yeah, cos he's making money the same way as they are. By being a fraud.

It was only a matter of time before the mentally deranged started joining the site.

So you categorise the sociopathic behaviour of bullying as sane? No wonder this place is a hell hole.

Dan said in a comment to another post that he did no research, just flagged you because of personal animosity.

I mean, are you going to let a rapist go free because you have a personal grudge against the cop doing the arrest? Even if you think the cop is corrupt in other areas?

That is not the type of behavior that I normally expect from Dan.

I'm not surprised by it at all.

"He's never matured socially" -anonymous source

wow i just check out some of noganos pots, and even @neoxian is pissed at him oh shit!

A 50 percent upvote for u sir.

You actually think his constant use of abusive language is not at all unseemly or maybe even, like, psychological torment? Ah, no, the almighty nextgencrypto is above reproach. He is God, didn't you get the memo?

And let's not even talk about how much money he's making by deceiving newbies with candy dispensers like Randowhale, meanwhile raking it in...

If Dan has started flagging nextgencrypto, he's about a year late in realising what a monster he let into this platform.

I wasn't discussing nextgencrypto. Please re-read my statement. I was discussing Dan's flagging of a post that he had not researched at all. Mechanical downvoting is not conducive to the good of the platform in my opinion. And nextgencrypto's flagging was conducive to the well-being of the platform (and safety of steemers) in this instance.

the point still stands because dan and nextgen both have humongous power to suppress their enemies due to their early mined giant stakes. When it comes to judging whether there should have been this early stake mined to persist, you can't play favourites, I don't think any of them have used their power wisely.

Worse than that, they are actually using it to milk the money of investors foolishly attracted to the platform.

I think he realized now who this guy was.

Thank you for seeing more than just a flag. You are a badass mother fucker.

I really can't read what that image says, can you repost it more zoomed in? Its way to small to read,or at least quote the text in txt form so we can see better? Thank you

wow is a negative reputation even possible wtf ? what happened?

I got flagged by @dan for flagging the scum you see threatening Steemfest above. That account belongs to @noganoo.

say whaaat? wow that's pretty fcked up man... is that all you did? to nuke you just for that? I mean to zaarbomb you like that.. holy shit

Bernie nuked more plp than you can imagine...maybe not as bad as nogano but still bad enough for a nuke:)...still there are some that think that bernie is too toxic mainly because of the way he presents himself - like one of the developers of steemit - dan...You can check bernies history on the blockchain...hes doing a good job.

Oh I'm sure he's got other reasons. We don't really get along, you could say. LOL

It's all good though, that's what the system was built for.

:D still making this place fun

We could really help th developing world bernie! we could REALly promote steemit if we just concentrate on helping people and IGNORE the drama! I have tourette's syndrome and people in the discord were even making fun of me for it, same with teh rooms but its fine i get over it, u have to just let the anger pass through your mind like thieves in an empty house!

Also @dan is mature enough to have built the steem blockchain. Do you really believe that he "hasn't fully matured from an "anonymous' source? maybe both of you guys need to take some psychedelics and experience some Ego loss or just smoke some weed! seriously u shouldnt have to worry about al these flame wars, u would get SO much more done if u focused on HELPING people who Deserved your time instead of wasting time fighting with peopel who DONT deserve any attention like noganoo! You have potential to bring MILLIONS of users to steemit if you used your stem to run youtube ad campaigns and you would make the money back after showing steemit the results!

It would be nice to see you focus on promoting steemit and just ignoring any negatvity, since you followers seem to have your back and will defend you so you can worry about improving steemit instead!

@berniesanders you should really help me promote African and Indian and developung orl steemit users, you should help use your steempower to only promote people in need and you could really help your reputation, a simple campaign of promoting developing world steemit users in Africa maybe ones from introducemyself would be a way to REALLy help your image here and get your reputation back up!

Why cant we just focus on helping people instead of fighting with people? I know people can be asshols but someon with as much steempower as you needs to recognize the vast responsibility you have to CHANGE THE WORLD man u could REALLY help lift people out of p[overtya nd depression with your steempower and get rich doing it! Im sure you already are actually, sorry for my post being so direct i am sometimes full of myself

why cant we all MUTE those we dont like, and focus ONLY on HELPINg people? It will make you feel better when u think more about others , makes your own problems seem less important!

be careful with your power here, soon youll end up ruling with an iron fist, and people have to constantly stroke your ego. youre like a Neo Feudal lord. you can become a real emporer of steemit! You can conquer cyberspace and bring your own brand of justice to the internet

Do you have any plans to start Knighting people? Maybe build a Castle? You could create a network of spies who you can pay in steem!

Anyway I am suprised you are actually going to steemfest! I never ever see you post a photo of yourface or any sort of personal stories and you seem to want to stayu anonymous, (at least i havent seen any photos of u ) but posting personal photos of yourself would help you ALOT and put a human face on you! It would help to humanize you for those who see you as some sort of out of control Bot hah and Bots and AI are getting stronger and stronger so who knows these days!

Maybe yoiu realy are a floating head in a would explain everything!
I hope we can actually work together and yoiu can support my Steemit friends in Ghana Africa @tj4real who is trying to help supporty steemiut with his Chuch dance group and i sent him SBD to buy Steemit T shirts and you could be SUCH a great force for good in the developing world. You could be helping to buy Solar panel USB phone chargers and Smartphones and prepaid internet service or mobile WIFI routers, and we need your help to help get these internet access tools to developing nations where steemit as most potential like in Nigeria and Ghana where our steemit ambassadors like @ogoowinner and @tj4real and @mcsaam have REALy made a great impression with their local communities, who see their success and want to join steemit by the dozens a week! Lets help get it thousands of africans a week on steemit now! (sorry for the typos and Grandma errors ;)

Also I wonder how did noganoo came up with more than a hundred accounts? What this person really want? I mean, there has to be a reason why he's doing this.

no life. :D nothing to live for, dunno he probably knows best. god is on his side :| you can make accounts easily, before you could mine them in. So people made tens of alts, to flag, to comment, to botnet :D

I could be wrong, but i thought u cant realy just mass flag with multiple accounts, they have to be loaded with steempower, sure u could collect the free few bucks in steempower signup bonus, but honestly now with just 50 cents in steempower u wont end up making much fo an impact, one account with $100 in steepower will have same effect as 10 acounts with $1 in steempower, see what i mean?

so make as many accounst as u want, they wont amountto barely any steempower

I try to explain that to people that steemit is NOT redit and upvotes dont mattr, steempower matters!

maybe when they wre gving out $5 in steem it was possible to amass lots of fake accounts and yes many peopel abused that system, but not THAT al that steempower most likely ended up getting spent by those impulsive people abusing the new account signup bonus.

Maybe i am wrong though! I wasnt there so i shouldnt talk about it with much authority! maybe iu just liek arguing about thi stuff! I reread my comment andgo "Hmm i shouldnt be so sure of myself"

yeah it was probobly crazy with those botnets!

EDIT: i just looked at noganos posts, and he even admits to using his accounts for evil, well, this is just causing too much anxiety but its better we deal with these steemit internal issues now than later! now we know what can happen, better now than when we have hundreds of millions of users with millions earning their livelihoods off steemit and then everyone gets flagged and it causes an economic recession LOL fuck, but we should only be so lucky to have so much of the economy based n steemit!

people lash out for a reason, some can't hold back their fears and whatnot, hate and all that.

yeah it's power but you can have 50 accounts and split the power, run a script and flag a post, it's mostly money rules here, with some downtime, so that everyone can react.

Other than that I've been on your line of thought for a looong time, but to be frank saw that not many people are willing to sacrifice the convenience of making money compared to looking at the problems and doing just that,

its better we deal with these steemit internal issues now than later!

So i got tired of arguing and just stopped caring, I have my own views I suppose, I don' get the constant blame pointing and lack of responsibility.

Twitter is crazy with botnets, facebook probably as well. Here they can only flood the chain I suppose.

++ It's people in the end of the day, actually people have been flooding the chain for a couple of months :D

nog is one of the many hating for some personal reasons, fights with whales and all that, I don't know him, I've only brushed past him here and there, I don't know him and how he thinks. But he was seriously trolled for months, I payed more attention to matrixdweller and skeptic's fights :D

Oh my dear god.

I can't even. get 100% upvote I hope your rep will recover all that. This is exactly what falgs are for. Your screenshot is very unsettling.