Does SteemFollower work without any referrals?

in #steemit7 years ago

This is my referral link

But I don't have any referrals. Does this mean I won't get an exponential increase in votes?


Also, have you noticed how popular dad jokes are getting? The one I keep using is, "Man, that cemetery is popular.......People are just dying to get in!" The dad joke competitions popping up on YouTube are like staring contests on steroids. Absolutely hilarious!


yea it does :)
In fact I found this post through steem follower
the thing you are looking for is:

it tells you how much upvotes are coming your way based on how many votes you made on other posts on there, in general the more SP you have the faster it will increase since your votes are worth more, but the lower SP has better ratio so you will be getting about 5x your vote in return at your level where I get like.. 2x I think, just keep in mind it also scale to voting power which after a while will need to recharge, you can keep track of it here: gaining about 20% per day and it's fine to go down you won't lose any total output by doing that since it drains slower the smaller your vote becomes from previous drain if that makes sense

ramble ramble
tl;dr - yes it does :)

Wow! great answer. Thanks!!