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RE: Steemit Is A Scam! How Bernie Sanders Screwed Me!

in #steemit8 years ago

I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who saw the satire in this post. I love @berniesanders and I appreciate what you are doing here as well.

I won't say I speak for @berniesanders, but I do understand how the same type of content being repeated, even though I feel your motives are good may hurt steemit long term.

You already have plenty of users following you and looking to you for your future posts. You have covered your background (fascinating!) and some general tips that should help new users.

I think it may be time for you to hold a creative contest giving back to the community that blessed you with thousands of dollars of support. You now have the platform to make new dolphins and by doing so you will further yourself as someone who brings long term value to steemit.

You could create a contest that hasn't been done before, but I think the expectations are so high right now that anything less than a completely unique post may have people divided and believing you are driving content more on status and less on content. (whether or not this is fair is another question, but that seems to be the vibe I have been seeing).

Also perfecting the flagging system / moderation is important. It would be nice to see why the 30 people above flagged your post without some hiding behind anonymity. They have the right to flag, but should have to give the reason why so others can understand not just on this post, but every post.

Anyone is free to weigh in with their 2 cents New Content Flagging System With Feedback



They are not anonymous in the blockchain. Take the URL for this article and change in it to and you can see the name of every person that voted, flagged, etc.

I do agree with your image though. People are referring to it as a down vote. It is not. It is a flag. Even other sites that have both upvote and downvote have a FLAG which means something different.

I understand that you can see who upvoted and who flagged, but the issue is that it is not mandatory to give a reason why a post or comment was flagged. While I would get my reputation destroyed if I went through and flagged all of a new users post I didn't like, if I had to say why I did each flag, users could see that my flags were not applicable to what was being flagged.

I actually called out the user who flagged my content about flagging (kind of funny) but he she could just not like me, disagree, have hit the button by accident, but I have no way to contact or dispute the flag.

I feel that needs to addressed and you are a user I respect @dwinblood so I would love to have you in the comments on the post.