free_job ladder

in #steemit6 years ago

Hi , in this post we gonna to learn how to build an online business on a business principal level , wich i discribe as free_job ledder ,so those of you who did read my past post you propably know the terms of free_job . and the free_job is simply your ability to earn living doing what you like, i believe that we are living in revolution time , we are called to devolope our tallentsand in such a way that we can shire them to others as gifts to the world in order to getting paid and making living in return, so in the moment this post will be part 1 that will be followed by an other parts .
So now we will talk about building your free_job ladder wich is really an business model forming and those of you who did try before to make free_job and not making any money you must understind that if your free job is not simmilare to what i am going to show to you today your free job is not a real free job.
And i did meet a lot of people that try to make money from what they love but they faill in the part of earning money ,so this ledder is so inportant to you.
First, i will talk briffly about all the part of the ladder and i will show the to you the importent of each part in the next posts but all what you need to know now is if you are stinding in the bottam you are in the 0$ simbole and when you go up you see more $ symbls , your porpose as free_jober is to move up and get the most $ you can .and as you are devloping your ladder as you are giving more happiness to the people that you are serving as you will get more money. Because the people wil want to give you more money to have your knowlidg. So before we move to the other part to go dipper in our model so :

  1. the first step is putting yourself for free as problem solver, is really impotant to find a problem that you can solve. To establish yourself as a power in your field, there is no free_job without power you must know what are you talking about , and you can serve people with your wisdome, then you and in the same time the thing that you are willing to give it to the peopl must be just few steps a way .because when the people see that they goal is so far away that thing will stop them from trying.
    They are a lot of ways to do that because they are somthing called "internet " , and it's free for the most of us , because before 20 years that it was so expensive to pay for mail adds you can do all of that for free .
    2)story telling: is the secand part , story telling has to become the main thing wich most personal brandsand experts go about in they relationships with they products , because is not enough to be problem solver you are not gonna to build the free_job ladder that the people we gonna love without devloping an story between you and your products . if you wanna build an personal brand you must being an experts in what are you doing . we will finish the idea in the next posts , so work hard work hard work hard and good luck.images (1).jpgimages (2).jpgimages (3).jpgimages (4).jpgimages (5).jpg