Why My Fiancee Decide To Never Post On Steemit Again?

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit, 

This world is very strange but steemit is more stranger, I believe in democracy on steemit and I respect member's freedom so I'm not posting this to complain I want just understand the way of thinking on steemit.

Couple Days ago I have convince my fiancee which is a primary school teacher, artist and blogger to leave Google Adsense even delete the most profitable and clickable adsense banner to advertise steemit on her food blog to join steemit community and start posting on steemit so I have create an animated banner and replace adsense and advertise steemit on her food blog http://www.our-meals.com/ with more than 15 000 unique visitor per month, the banner still there and any one can check it.

Introduction Post:

So she was very happy to post her Introduction and make some photos of her artistic peaces that she have decorate and paint, she have make a small video prove her love to steemit and guess what , she get only 5 up-vote including mine and her up-vote, here is some of her work photos:

People Don't care about posts they care about money:

Most of people on steemit care about money not about posts, they up-vote only posts up-voted by a whale or a dolphin or their posts, if a whale up-vote some post people will follow and up-vote even a test post, like I said I'm not complaining I wanna just understand,  stino-san  is one of my favorite bloggers on steemit and I'm following him since weeks, he post yesterday a test post, guess what people up-vote an empty test post here is the proof :

After she has saw this post my fiancee decide to never post again on steemit but still advertising steemit on her blog, why?

Because steemit is a great idea, unique of his kind and because steemit is a peace of art for her that's why she will keep advertising steemit on her blog.

I have write this post for her honor and to ask a simple question: Please tell me how do people think ?

May this post will be ignored like 100's of other posts but it will be never deleted from steemit.


Although I spend many hours a day on steemit, I'm not here all the time.I did not see your fiancee's post. It probably sunk out of sight while I was asleep or off doing something else. That happens very quickly unless it gets quite a few votes in the first half hour to start the post rising on the HOT page.

Thank you for this kind comment :)

Thank you for your support @indominon, I really appreciate :)

It is a bit sad when test posts are worth more than genuine content. Not sure what the answer is - people still think piling on big paying posts is worth doing, even if they won't make a penny from it.

I want just know the king of weed that people smoke when they upvote a test post, strange world really strange

I can relate with her feelings too. steemit is strange and odd. The entire behaviour of people are a bit awkward from time to time.. But one should take note of the fact that steemit is still new and yeah. Money is the factor here. Most of the users on steemit are here for one thing only, and that's money.

I recently poured my soul in two of my posts and even with more than 100 followers, I still haven't got more than 40 and 45 votes on those posts.. The reason for it? - Who knows. Perhaps my followers didn't like the post. Perhaps they haven't read it.. Perhaps my post disappeared among all the other content being created .. Luck & timing. That's what will bring you success on steemit right now.. And, good content.

My girlfriend feels the same way. She's trying to share her photos on steemit, and she gets between 2 and 8 upvotes on average most of the times.. It's awful. She deserves way more than that.. And I bet your fiancee does too.

Thank you so much for this kind comment hope your girlfriend have more luck on her next posts

Dunno, I checked your blogs you made some nice money, and of course if a whale ain't gonna vote it you not gonna make dough.

I don't know if you're referring to my blog or ben99 or girls.world, however, I'll pretend you replied to my comment and I'll give you an answer based on that.. :D

I do earn money on steemit and I have earned a great amount on some of my posts. But that's not the point I was trying to make. I am satisfied with my experience on steemit so far, but I can clearly see people who I believe should have had a better experience and better results, just disappear. And that's sad. - There's a bunch of people, probably more than 50% on steemit right now, who doesn't earn. They don't get rewarded at all. They don't earn money, they don't get replies or upvotes. None of that.. And that's the truth. And that is sad. Even though I can understand why this happens, it's still sad to see.

I think you check my blog not her blog, I do make money yes but she is highly sensitive person she take 4 days to write her first post and she fail on it

Tanks bro for this kind comment

I know the struggle to well. I wanted to give up in the beginning too. I felt I was doing something original and did not get the attention that I deserved. It takes time fro people to notice you. And I think it's also a matter of luck when posting something. Originality counts but also luck. I think that you should continue to post; the art you do it lovely.

Thank you so much for your support, I tried with her but she refuse to post again , she will keep advertising steemit on her blog only

On steemit any can declare himself and to be heard

That's right and he can be ignored too

That's why I (carefully) try to upvote anyone in my feed who is reputation 49 or less. Funny thing is, it has occasionally paid off for me. So yeah, the money dynamic is always front-and-center. But I don't have a problem with that.

Thank you for your comment , not all people think that way, there is a lot of good people on steemit like you I'm sure about that

thats a cool policy @inertia, i do the same ! I think we have to try and stop this little club it would seem of repetitive trending posters ! Its kind of like a mafia in networking i guess, not much you can do to stem the tide, but like you say upvote people and their posts and not their reputation and standing in the community !

I think there is enough people like you that over time this trend will change. I am now going to start being more selective and vote up more for people who are new here because the more of us there are, the less these grubby little me-toos will have influence.

I believe curating rewards are skewing the system as people try to preempt the whales.. Personally i would like to see it scrapped. So that posts trend naturally. I don't vote for curation rewards if i enjoy a post it gets my upvote. I do however try to keep my voting power hig so that the people i am voting for get the 1cent my vote is currently worth when my voting power is fully charged.

I really don't care about my up-voting power if my up-vote will make people smile , thank you for your support :)

This world is very strange but steemit is more stranger

You are not the only one who think that way.

Thank you for your support :)

welcome :) i suggest just keep posting. giving up means not giving yourself any chance. So i suggest your finance to just keep posting

I have try to talk to her, she told me that the only gift that she can give to steemit is to advertise steemit on her blog and I don't blame her on that

I have read all your comments guys , thank you for all of you I really appreciate your kindness :)

Unfortunately there are more people on Steemit with low SP than those with high SP and those fortunate to have cannot physically vote for everyone else, it's impossible, something needs to change or we will lose many people who will just give up. I try to upvote and help but I only give a few cents.

Yeah I saw people did not post since week and give up, most of them have great posts in different topic , hope steemit will change for better my friend