STEEM Nation: Happy Sunday!
With only $18 I invested into STEEM , when it was $0.06. I took the $18 out so this is all profit , loving cryptocurrency!
I hope everyones having a good day! Here's my situation right now lol
Thanks for reading!
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Showing me some new things today, 'Blockfolio' ok! And nice artwork by the way w0w!
Blockfolio is awesome and the app for the picture is called Prisma
I see! Blockfolio looks better than 'Exodus'. I already downloaded it ;)
And "Prisma' you say ok I will check this as well. Thx a lot! I am having a wonderful day!
No problem yea I love Blockfolio and prisma is my go to for making post photos. Me too so far

I notice on the steem wallet built inside, it only gives one option 0f STEEM/BTC but I was hoping f0r STEEM /USD which I think it is because even thou it says Steem/Btc, it seems to be denominated in USD when referring back to the h0me page....
All we do is type in the amount 0f investment we have & select what exchange it's 0n IF they have it 0n the list, correct?
Yes, I now see to the far left of the main page it having a usd btc converter(switch-Pictures up t0p lol). Also, how do you get the amount 0f investment you have onto Bl0ckf0li0?
I'm assuming here in this green b0x and if so, then it's n0t allowing f0r me to input inf0rmation?
Yep pretty much that's how it goes
S0 why is n0t allowing f0r me to input anything? I click 0n Steem and from there it has tabs, 'H0ldings' being 0ne 0f them & so when I click on 'H0ldings', it d0esn't let me input as explained on the last messege?
Oh your supposed to click the + and enter how many you own and then set the trade price you bought it at
0k I've been d0ne that as I was able to acquire a few to be added on the homepage but I did n0t see the "Enter Quantity" lol
No problem
Nice! :)