get paid consistently on STEEMIT.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

What’s going on Steemers, being very analytical and aware of people problems on Steemit, I have noticed the number one problem people has is how to actually get paid on Steemit consistently. The answer is very simple. It’s not only about having a million followers or 100k in your Steem wallet in a Steem Power. Now, I’m not going to lie, having plenty of followers and Steem power does help, but it’s not the secret to getting paid. The simple secret I’m about to tell you actually ends up rewarding you with a lot of followers and a lot of Steem.

Here’s an example of the past couple days of my payments I have earned from following this secret.

Now before I tell you this simple secret that I have been using, I want to first tell you to not be let down by the answer. This is because there is really no magic wand you can wave and suddenly be getting paid thousands of Steem per week and have 50k followers. The secret is so simple that most Steemers often overlook it because they stuck searching for the easy and quick way to win. I’ll tell you from experience, the quick and easy way doesn’t exist, but what does exist and DOES work is the slow and steady way.

The simple secret to getting a steady paycheck everyday on a Steemit is..TO POST ONCE A DAY, AND TO NEVER MISS ONE DAY NO MATTER WHAT! Now you may be thinking to your self “is this guy serious? That’s the answer..” and yes I’m here to be in your face and say that is the answer. Don’t be upset because it’s so simple. But the truth is this is the only way to truly build your Steemit profile and to get a consistent payment every single day.

Let me go into details now..when I say post everyday I mean EVERYDAY even if you’re tired, sick, or lost both of your hands. Find a way and figure it out or just don’t complain when you’re not getting paid everyday. This is the magic rule I follow on Steemit and everyday, multiple times a day I redeem my Steem payments. Now you can’t just post a picture an expect to get 20 upvotes. You have to provide good content that shows your passion. Each post should give valuable info, news, or solve someone’s problem.

What happens next is every time you post, your post gets put on the “new” section where everyone can view your post.


Once it’s here, and if you put in the time to make a great post, people WILL upVote and resteem you. If someone with a decent amount of Steem power likes your post then they will give you a hefty upvote. It happened to me yesterday, my post got $4 from just one person that follows me all because they liked my content! the simple magic behind this is that when you post every single day and get upvotes, after 7 days you will redeem a payment every single day from then on, BUT if you miss just one day then you won’t get paid that day. You will miss out on one day. So if you our up one post every day then you can get paid 365 times a year! It’s simple and effective!

The even greater part about this is when you post everyday, you gain followers everyday as well. Now when you put up a post you have more followers to upvote it (plus all the Steemers that see your post on the “new” section), you have more people resteeming your post, which then shares your post with EVEN more Steemers that can upvote you and resteem you and you get paid more!its. It’s a very simple compound effect, but you have to put in the work and follow this simple secret everyday and I promise you will get results. And don’t get discouraged when your payments are only $1, it takes time to get bigger payments, but I promise it will come!

Thank you for ready, please share this message with everyone you know to help grow this community so all of us can get paid and be happy.


thanks for the info.. will try to do this and observe in a few days.