[Debate] The Future of Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

I am actually really curious to know how people think of the evolution of Steemit.

There are two possible outcomes:

  1. People head for the clickbait because of the potential gains any attention represent.

  2. People actually care Steemit and try to post original content

Let's not kid ourselves, the first outcome is the most probable and we can already see it on the front page. Most titles will try to draw your attention badly being all caps, or clickbaity, or whatever skills people have developed with the other social networks that provide rewards based on interaction with other users.

On the other hand, Steemit seems to care about the curation of the website and hopefully people will try not to promote reposts , trashy low effort memes or content theft.

Eventually, it all comes down to what users - I'm talking here about people who will mostly comment / upvote / resteem and not create content - choose to behave.

And I think that currently the community is taking the wrong direction, i.e. the first one. Do you guys see a possible evolution where curation becomes so effective that content becomes interesting ? Does this implies better rewarding of moderation ?

What's your opinion ?

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