We create what we are BEing

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Do you believe that our thoughts can create our reality?

As im taking the day to create a really fucking awesome, self-empowering course on Money Mindset, I am so moved and reminded how fucking powerful our thoughts are.

Like oh my god, we are all SUCH magicians (I like to call myself a Wigician for the hell of it = Witch+Magician hehe), cuz we are creating like, ALL the fucking time!

I have gone through many quests for many years seeking and journeying within to understand my inner and outter world better... to understand why unwanted things and feelings were still manifesting into my life.

SIDE NOTE: I thought that if I better understood myself, I could better relate to other humans and hold space for them when they do their inner work too. I guess even back then, at some level I knew I was going to teach. Little did I know just at what capacity.

About 4 years ago, having my first mentors to look up to on the great Book of Faces, and during long, lonely searches within, I have found a truth within me; a knowing in my being that my inner world creates my outer world.
By "Inner World", I mean the thoughts in our mind, the feelings inside our body, and the actions we take from that same place.
And it is as simple as that... haha or so I kept getting reminded!

The simple part is in theory, of course.
And boy did I have a lot of questions, lots of confusion and lots of... doubt??...
My thoughts?? My feelings?? wtf??

SIDE NOTE: I didnt know/understand the 'action' part until way later in my journey, as in just this year or so. Its not only your thoughts becoming things, but its the actions you take (or dont take for that matter) that support that thought and feeling, like a beautiful trifecta lol

I still have questions and some times confusion, its usually when I make things difficult when it is never need be, but this time around I know there is no need to doubt. I understand with my entire being, that the answer is already there/here, within me, in one form or another. I know that when I mentally make the choice to create a specific experience, and am being consistent in alignment with my thoughts, and feelings and the actions that support that,- what it is I want to experience, cant not but come forth.
And so there is my future right here...


Know that the inspiration is always there.

When you consistently show the fuck up, do your do, and BE who you are meant to be, and know that everything is ALWAYS WORKING OUT FOR YOU, the next step WILL ALWAYS be revealed to you. If you're having a hard time trusting that, look at your track record and take notice how you always transition into the next step, and that one way or another, it has ALWAYS been revealed to you.

And that is absolutely, fucking, beautiful.

If youre not 100% satisfied how your life is going,
Try it out for yourself.
Get honest with yourself, and ask yourself some questions about your world. Notice what feelings come up on why certain things arent going the way you had initially wanted them to go...
Be brave. Be courageous. Be bare.
Show parts of yourself that you have been afraid to for so long, and shower yourself with the utmost love and appreciation!
Doing so, you just took a step that so many others dont take because they are too afraid to really see themselves. Be real for yourself, for your loved ones, for the universe. When you do you, you instantaneously turn yourself into a walking permission slip for others to step into their truth as well.

To whomever is reading this, may you align with your voice if you havent already. And may we create ripples of infinite possibilities for everyone who is searching for something more, like I once was years ago- during the loneliest parts of my awakening to my inner Goddess-self.

I love you thank you for reading.

And if you want to journey with me further, with a similar message as here,
Come check me out on
Facebook .

I also will be coming out with the "Magickal Money Mindset Course" very soon, this is for anyone who is seriously interested in REALLY delving deep within themselves to transform their relationship with money from the inside out. I have set a temporary Super Low Summer Price on this course that I wont offer again in the future. Hit me up to claim this deal for yourself!

WARNING: this will change your life forever! It is jam packed with so much juicy, priceless, but-oh-so-valuable information, that it cant NOT uplevel the rest of your life into expansion.
If this is calling you, email me with the subject titled- "I AM WILLING AND READY"
Copy and paste this to email me
[email protected]
And I will give you more information about the workshop.

Much Love and Blessed BE,
Natalya Vorona ❤


Great post! We become what we think about

Thanks for posting about your own journey. I've had similar realisations in that everything will always work out for the best no matter how dark than can appear at certain times. My motto is, and in fact I made up a song about it, is "Choose, choose, choose, you can't lose". :-)