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RE: Steemit's adoption in non English speaking world

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

How are you accessing the view counts in bulk like this ? I thought that part was stored on a steemit internal db and not accessible except manually by loading each post. I would LOVE a regular view of the highest viewed posts of the day/week to help make sure rewards go to people bringing views not just big vote trails..


The view count is pretty inconvenient to get. I only sampled a small size of posts (the ones with 100+ votes) for 7 days. I might add the view count to SteemData in the future.

Yes, please do. I have been waiting for something that shows views. In fact, I would LOVE a tab next to hot and trending that says views. It would be important information to see whether the people bringing over the most views to Steemit are only earning 25 cents or something low! If that were the case, I would search out these posts and support them. Do we really want someone with a huge following to show earning less than $1 to the thousands of viewers they may get?
A little bit ago I did a post that had over 4000 views, but only over 100 votes and earned $8. I'm not complaining, and at least $8 didn't look terrible. But I've been on here for a long time now so at least I get regular voters but a newcomer with a massive following outside of Steemit may not get many Steemit votes for a long time if they go unnoticed.

Thanks so much for looking into adding this feature to SteemData.

Aah okay, yes please if you get time that would be awesome