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RE: Should you invest in promoting your content on SteemIt?
More whales need to pay attention to the promo section, that's a lot to spend and only see this result.

More whales need to pay attention to the promo section, that's a lot to spend and only see this result.
Thanks @ausbitbank, didn't know steemviz had that feature.
Oh and yeah hardly any whales seem to scan the promoted page. Another thing that slightly bothers me is to see authors with reputations far over 60 in the promoted page. A third thing that bothers me is that the UI decides how many promoted posts are visible per page and essentially influence the price!
So true! We should all listen to @ausbitbank since he is a huge whale and so can tell us about whales since he is one!
Heres My theory: If someone is willing to spend money to promote a post, it MUST be good! Or at least good enough in teh eyes of the author to invest their own money into!
if someone is investing their own money into their post its a sign that they probobly worked very hard at it and want to see it succeed!
It would be rare for someone to spen money to promote a shit post they barely sent any time on! lol So when u see the posts intthe promoted section its not like some corporate promoted section on Instagram or snpchat no there are barely any big companies selling any products here on Steemit! and if they did it wouldbe a huge deal and theyd get alot of support!
The first company to use the "promotion" too to actually "buy ad space" on steemit will bbe made a huge deal of, and people will go 'OMG BIG COMPANIES ARE ON STEEMIT SELLING PRDUCtS FOR STEEM DOLLARS OMG" and imagine the promotions a scompany could give after making money off the ad itself! NOWHERE cana company make MONEY off just the ad they use to sel somethiing1 USUALy they have to PAY for an ad! now they cna make an ad for free, spend money to promote or R not and just make money in steem froom the upvotes!!!! evetually it wont be a huge deal when all big companies have steemit acounts just like how big companies all have twitter facebok and instagram and snapchat accounts BUT it will actually help ALl of us! when big companies jointwtter orfaceboo, the twotter and ffaceboook users dont make a dime off it! bt if a big company joined steemit and started buying steempower the price of steem will go up and we will alll profit!
Promotion tool is REALLLy cool idea and just wait untill people start upvoting the promotion area even more and it becoomes like a huge deal when u can ake AOt of money promoting a post with a product your slelling etc
I'm down $500 on SteemIt promotions this week :)