Kevin Rose joined Steemit today!

I spotted something pretty epic on twitter today :

And then a few hours later :

I've been a fan of this guy since he first appeared with his "Dark Tips" over 2 decades ago now (damn I'm old).
I witnessed the rise and fall of Digg and Diggnation , and I've missed his face since.
I'm super excited and proud to have Kevin here on Steemit - to have him recognise the value and utility of what we're creating here is a big milestone that I just had to record for the blockchain.
I hope everyone will give our new steemian @krose a warm welcome, a follow and keep an eye out for his introduction post!
Whales: Please consider delegating a little power to @krose so he can get a better feel for how the site works as a user before he makes a massive amount on his intro post ;)
I delegated everything I had available (~500 SP) to @krose just now :

If it makes the slightest bit of difference to Kevin's first impressions of this place, it was worth it.

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Awesome, I am not aware of who Kevin Rose is, but it is always good to see respected people joining this platform. This sounds like another great addition to the steemit community.
For geeks like me, Kevin Rose joining Steemit is a big deal. He's a massive influencer. Great news! Did I hear you on The 4th Watch?
Steemit is attracting the right folks - Peace - Abundance - Liberty... 😎
it really is globo and more so over time... I hope @krose enjoys the platform and succeeds here: when any of us succeed, we all benefit!
...and... the snowball effect his arrival will have on the community @krose is attracting to Steemit.
Exciting times.
@aggroed or @r0nd0n - Perhaps Kevin would agree to an interview on your shows...
Steem attracts a wide variety of people from all over the world. It is very good. Steem increases its importance.
This is cool. I remember Kevin from when he first started Digg (and hardly anyone knew about it lol). I understand he tends to invest in new projects so this would be the kind of thing he would be interested in.
From :
Not too shabby!
I am not really surprised, I have always believe more authority, celebrities and people of influence will find the Steemit community appealing and they will become a member here.. This is just one proof of that.
Fantastic. I do think the continued adaption of big names and influencers is extremely important to the growth of steemit. These events should be acknowledged for their importance. Thanks for highlighting this
Incredible. I do think the proceeded with adaption of huge names and influencers is critical to the development of steemit. These occasions ought to be recognized for their significance. A debt of gratitude is in order for featuring this
I remember Kevin Rose from all the way back when he was on ScreenSavers and Attack of the Show on G4 Tech TV.
Yes, caught this yesterday.
Sorry mate if I saw your post first I would have resteemed - I was just excited and saw nothing tagged kevinrose yet. Voted your post now (and not my own) , shame it didn't make more for breaking the news first
yea but WHO delighted SP?
Yea thats right YOU did!
@ausbitbank This Minnow, just wanted to thank you for your notable vote on some of my recent posts. There is no message system that I know of, so I decided to thank you and @canadian-coconut publicly. Thanks again! :)
Damn I loved diggnation, and used to always tune in to him and Alex Albreight they were quite the video duo of the time - which was a long time ago!