Tip for New Steemit Writers

in #steemit7 years ago

I’m asked this question by newbies to Steemit all the time: How do I get followers and upvotes?

I am not a fan of this question. It feels wrong. It feels selfish, to me at least.

Reword that question, ask this one instead: What do I have to do to succeed on Steemit?

And when you ask that question, ask yourself this one: What am I doing to bring value to the community? And be honest with yourself. What are you doing to be an asset to the platform?

THAT is the question you need to ask.

To succeed on Steemit, you must be dedicated, consistent, unique and patient. Nothing great is built overnight. Not one of the successful Steemians you see on the trending page got there overnight. Everyone who is doing well on Steemit put in months of hard work. Writing original and compelling articles to educate and entertain the community every day. They learned to format, how to find free and legal images to use on their posts, and tweaked to find their unique “voice.” They struggled every week for pennies, working hard and bettering themselves and researching and fine tuning their writing. They interacted with the community and wrote thoughtful comments after every post they read. They asked questions and answered questions and grew a little every day.

Nobody registered on Steemit and was a hit overnight. Or even in a month.

It takes time to build something great. Steemit is no different.

So how do you get followers and upvotes on Steemit?

By being a valuable asset to the community.

If you build something entertaining and educational, they will come :)

Happy Steeming my friends <3

Image via Pixabay

What if the last person on Earth was the one you hated most? Dead i. A Steemit Original Fiction Series. Episode 3 is out now! & start from the beginning with Episode 1 Prologue and Episode 2

My real life horror- the accident and PTSD

Trigger warning- graphic and raw.

Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡


With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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If you found this post after day 7 please consider upvoting a recent article ♡


Great post .
I joined steemit . at the first i want to earn more and more at less time . but after some time i realize its not a way to earn on steemit .
Steemit is not a short term program . it take a lot of time .
So i decided to do my best . and i learn a lot of thing so i want to split my knowledge to other so i posted some post about steemit .
Hope fully your post will give every newbie a good guide line .
I am very much happy that you post like this .
Because i realize big steemians do not want to help others . but you do .
Thank you very much .

You definitely have to play the long game with Steemit :)

I love Steemit. I absolutely believe in the unlimited potential of the platform. And I want every good person to be able to succeed! There are those who come here looking to make a quick buck, but that is not what this is about. This is about community and interaction and helping your fellow Steemate. It's about growing together and sharing and learning and helping uplift each other.

I have never before seen such a supportive and encouraging community online- not even close. I want everyone here to succeed and grow and experience the good that is Steemit :)

Yep its right .
At first i do not like steemit . but now its a part of my life . i feel boring when i do not use steemit .
Also steemit give me a way to learn too .
A lot of things a learn from this community .
But the things is . now we have some experience but we do not help anyone else .
That is why i posted some posts for newbies because i want to grow up this community .

Thank you for your positive contribution and you are so right about giving and building a community. Giving is better than receiving!

Great post.

A lot of people are looking for instant rewards.

But there might be a deeper reason, too: fear.

Fear of many things, like wasting time or money on something... What if it doesn't work out for me? What if I get my hopes up, and I'll never make more than a few cents? Who can give me security? Who can tell me with absolutely certainty that I can make it?


So they try out a couple of things and then jump to the next bright shiny object that promises instant riches.

I'm a victim of that doubt myself to a degree. What if I should rather be doing something else than reading, commenting, and writing on Steemit?

But well... We must take a chance sometimes, right? I go with my gut feeling. I go where my heart takes me, and I'm elated to be here.

Thank you for your post.1527666.jpg

To succeed, you have to take chances sometimes.

I'm thankful I took a chance on Steemit :)

Listen to your instincts- they will never lie to you...

That is so true.

Whenever I listened to reason and my intuition warned me about something, I always ended up regretting it. That taught me to be better at listening to my instincts instead.

Ask not what Steemit can do for you, but what you can do for Steemit. Seems to sum it up. :)

I agree, it takes work to achieve your goals here. But it can be done. I've seen many rise here over the last 2 years.

I'll resteem and tweet this because i think others need to read it!

Ask not what Steemit can do for you, but what you can do for Steemit. ~ yes!

Great tips! Thanks for sharing :) i'm a singer who has just joined myself so i'm learning new things every day :)

Welcome to the community Melissa! Steemit is a wonderful community of supportive and encouraging individuals, you'll do well here :)

And yes, it can be overwhelming at times, and I want you to know I'm here for you. I post a lot of helpful tips and advice for minnows (newbies) so please take a stroll down my page and if you have any questions at all please ask :) I know what it feels like to be the new kid, so I promise to sit with you at lunch ;)

Good tips. It takes a while and some weeks are better than others, but when you're engaged and contributing consistently, you can look at the overall success and see each milestone you achieve more clearly.

An additional tip I'd add is to create a spreadsheet where you track your income. I do it every Thursday since that used to be pay day when I worked. I write down how much total Steem, SBD and SP I ahve, and how much I earned that week and if I took anything out. That way I can see, ah this week was a small week, wow this one was a big one. Then I can compare months, on average what I make, etc. This helps me when taking it out to keep better track since I ahve to file it in income tax anyway. It allows me to see my progress also with being a Red Fish and the amount of vests I have when I look at the Steemitboard. It gives me something to look forward to, makes me feel I've accomplished even if just a tiny bit of income, and makes me feel rewarded. One post might not look like much in terms of rewards, but a whole week, a whole month, it's a nice sum, even if small at times and I feel greatly rewarded and valued due to this system of accumulated earnings.

As for followers, I try to notice my count only per week too. Small steps every day, big leaps bounding forward on the long term.

If you're actively posting and engaging you'll grow. There's no way you can't. And your right- some weeks are better than others. Yet to look at the whole time- the larger picture- thank a day to day or even week to week compare.


Having come here not for the money but for personal reasons allowed me to see first hand what you have described. I am no way claiming that I am successful, but I do see the helpfulness of 95% of the people on here, you won't find that anywhere else for sure.
Your tip on doing pictures has really helped and I am forever grateful for that one. Thanks.

Awesome! That made my day hearing that!

You are an awesome asset to the community. I'm very glad I know you <3


Steemit is a "long game," if you actually care about succeeding here. I mostly bring artists to Steemit, and they ask the same questions. I ask them if they have Facebook pages, twitter accounts or Instagram; tumblr. Then I ask them how long it took them to get "seen" there. Often, the penny drops, at that moment.

It's funny that people assume things will somehow be different/faster because there are rewards involved. Why? This is just another social content platform (technically speaking) that just happens to offer rewards.

Adding value? I try to create interesting and informational content for people in the art world... and I try to interact. Engage. Especially on my own posts... an old habit formed while using message boards, back in the 90's. If people take the time to reply to your post, have the courtesy to acknowledge them.

That's one of the most important things. It pains me when I see a great post with many comments, and the author hasn't a single one...

I actually feel bad when I later notice a comment has been lost in the shuffle!


I have lived by the idea of "curate your own stuff!" pretty much since starting here. If we're here on a social site and the name of the game is engagement, then for goodness' sake INTERACT! And then there's another thing... it really doesn't "cost" anyone much to toss even just a 10% upvote at authentic comments on your own posts... maybe it's just me, but it feels like people are getting stingier and stingier with their votes (present company excepted!)... makes me wonder who they think they are "saving" their votes for?

You know, it even says in the Steemit Whitewater to not upvote already well performing posts!

... am I the only one who read the whitepaper?!?

Great advice. Very well written and informative. It's important to contribute to this community. Bring something to the table. The rewards are greater for everyone. Commenting and giving your opinion is crucial for one to succeed and grow on Steemit. Thanks again.

You will get from Steemit exactly what you put into it...

I have been saying the same thing all along sharing with people to be consistent everyday, create content, and build relationships. That is success in one sentence on STEEMIT......................@arbitrarykitten

Steemit is a fully interactive platform and not as easy to see. There's a lot of detail to look at. In this regard, many friends received detailed articles in steemite. Those articles for preliminary information purposes can be read and started.

The development of Steemit and its related Steem and SBD coins depends on human interactions and the interest of the members in this coin. For this reason, plagiarism and spammers are the most important things to be considered by large accounts. Besides copying and pasting or making content that does not make any sense, it takes you a lot of things.

Human interaction. Exactly.

Spammers and plagarism is definitely frowned upon, and the wonderful hard working people like @patrice and @steemcleaners and the like are here for that reason- to clean up Steemit so it is a safe place for those who wish to bring value to the community :)