Virtual Purses. The great alternative!
Hello, what friends of Steemit, today I want to share with you a brief account of the changes that the economy has undergone in favor of the technological advance and that leads to this that brings us together many here, virtual money.

For years virtual purses and cryptocurrencies have been introduced in the economic field, however this electronic money, in recent months, and referring in terms of social networks, communities or virtual platforms, has been positioned in the first places of the Trending Topic, fact that obeys to different situations that have been developing in a very recent and volatile way, placing the individuals at a crossroads in which they must decide whether to continue staying within the "normal" economic patterns of a salaried employee that responds, in an almost behaviourist way, to the stimulus that is represented in their salary, and with this to obtain the factors of the social mobility or the economic security every day more threatened.
For years virtual purses and cryptocurrencies have been introduced in the economic field, however this electronic money, in recent months, and referring in terms of social networks, communities or virtual platforms, has been positioned in the first places of the Trending Topic, fact that obeys to different situations that have been developing in a very recent and volatile way, placing the individuals at a crossroads in which they must decide whether to continue staying within the "normal" economic patterns of a salaried employee that responds, in an almost behaviourist way, to the stimulus that is represented in their salary, and with this to obtain the factors of the social mobility or the economic security every day more threatened.
Throughout history, the economy has gone through part of the process, from the First Wave societies, with terms by Alvin Toffler (1980), where "most of the work was done in the fields or at home, with the joint effort of the family as an economic unit and most of the production being destined for consumption within the town or the hacienda ", activities typical of pre-capitalist tribal societies, crossing through the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution, unleashing The Second Wave "and creating a strange, powerful and feverishly energetic countercivilization. Industrialism, the one that put the tractor on the farm, the typewriter in the office and the refrigerator in the kitchen. He universalized the wristwatch and the ballot box. More importantly, it united all these things and brought with it a profound extension of human hope ", however, the constant changes in societies have meant that all these advances of the industrial age have been losing their validity over time, leaving behind discussion if for a media industry that devalued them in order to promote some others, or simply because human expectations based on welfare, individual or collective, aspired more every day.
It is at that moment that, in search of more progress, development and technology, virtual wallets and a number of cryptocurrencies arise that position themselves as an economic alternative for many who, working daily and with their local currency as payment, have gone Seeing how they move away more and more from the economic security that previously protected him and his family.
The fact of wanting to talk about this topic and share this post with you, equally part of wanting to share the phrase Manuel Castells that every day becomes more valid: "The power of the mind, linked to the technological capacity is much more important than any another power, even that the power of money, with technological and knowledge capacity, money can be obtained, but with money and without technological capacity that money is lost "
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