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RE: The Problem With Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

I think you bring up some interesting points in regards to how money helps incentivize behavior but I don't necessarily see them as a negative thing and personally that is one thing I've enjoyed about the platform, is that it's not full of hyperbolic asshole trolls like on virtually every other platform. HOWEVER.. Where I majorly disagree with you is that.. There are indeed a few of those not so pleasant people that I have encountered.. In over a year of using the platform I can count them all on one hand probably.. But.. They exist, I've got into some ridiculous arguments on here, you just have to express an opinion that isn't popular to the right people like on any social media or in certain places in person as well.. I think perhaps.. You just didn't try enough, cause.. I've had a few really annoying encounters on here that were stressful as heck and reminded me of the kind of people on YouTube and Facebook who give those social media bad names and reputation.

I personally think it's cool that this platform is sort of.. Using algorithims that promote what I believe to be good social behavior and civilized communication. If you're an obnoxious troll, you're probably not going to do to well on here, however.. If you're respectful and well intentioned.. You probably will do much better.

If people can't learn to be civil and respectful on their own, I think it's great that there's a social media out there that pays and rewards and sort of subconsciously promotes or conditions them to be more civil and respectful.

However in the end.. If you wanna get into some angry shitstorm debates, that can be found here as well.. That's one of the cool things about steemit.. You can find an audience for most things if you look. It's sort of like a reflection of society in that it's essentially just a tool for people to communicate with. So it's not necessarily the tool itself that is good or bad, but it's how the people choose to use it.. At least that's my opinion!


The main point I was getting at is that money changes how people behave, even if its subconscious. I don't necessarily think that it always manifests itself in the form of being fake, but I think that the fact that you're paid to interact with people inherently stunts certain behaviors that would be plentiful on any other platform. And I'm not necessarily talking about trolling or negative behavior, but just the way people conduct themselves in interactions. I think that Steemit is a fascinating idea, I just think that it's flawed as a social network. I know the only reason I made an account was because of the money, and I'm sure that was the case for everyone else here, otherwise they'd be on a platform with a larger user base, like Reddit.

You're definitely right about me not trying enough though. I just got frustrated with spending an hour writing an article and having it earn 2 cents. I just heard about the sign-up bonus at the time and made an account. I tried for a couple of weeks to gain a following through the discord chat but obviously didn't succeed. Throw in the fact that I don't even like writing and you can probably see that my dislike of steemit stems from much more than peoples conduct hahahaha

I know the only reason I made an account was because of the money, and I'm sure that was the case for everyone else here

That's not true. Money was a factor for me, but it definitely was not the only reason. The lack of censorship was a major pull as someone who has been censored on Facebook a lot and as someone on YouTube also dealing with similar issues.
There are others as well, while I can't speak for them myself I've seen similar sentiments echoed from others.

When I said you weren't trying enough I meant in regards to getting in arguments and heated debates, not about steemit in general though that does tell me you perhaps have a bone to pick because you didn't do well on here.

I dunno how long you tried, but.. it's definitely not easy.. It takes a while, it is hard work. Or at least it can be. Some may have found easy ways to do it, though for most of us who start out with little or no following.. It's hard.

Even with around 2000 followers I still oftentimes don't get as much feedback as I'd expect or want. And I'm definitely not making the kin dof money other people are on here who have whales helping them and such, yet.. I see something deeper here. And I think this platform not only has long term potential.. That it may replace some of those big sites out there right now.

I guess the people who wanna just blog for free can go to Reddit or Facebook and those of us who want money and to not be censored can come here. I know which one I would pick!
Steemit is by far the best social media out there in my opinion. If you wanna throw the baby out with the bath water because you didn't get enough people arguing with you.. I dunno what to say.

I think that's actually a good thing as I mentioned before, people are a lot more constructive when they aren't bickering and fighting all the time, instead of going around being assholes and destroying, people are learning to build and create more. I think that's awesome.