The Price is right... To post more!

in #steemit6 years ago

My feed is quieter and colder than Antarctica.

I follow 450 people and yet, I only see around 100 people posting regularly

That´s a bummer, especially when it should be the opposite way.


I mean, I get it, most people are not in the mood for writing a post that a few months ago would´ve paid 4 or 5 times what it´s paying now, especially if it takes the same time to write it as before. It´s only normal you know, I feel the same way... but let´s be critical and let´s put on our analyst hat.

The reward pool is the same as any other day. Around 50,000 Steem are printed every day. I mean, it´s not that simple, actually a complicated formula is used to determine the exact quantity:

new_steem = ( ( virtual_supply * current_inflation_rate ) / ( 10000 * BLOCKS_PER_YEAR ) ) * CONTENT_REWARD_PERCENT;

But let´s not get technical here, the point is, every day a similar amount of Steem is printed every day.

So now imagine that the same Steem is printe daily but, the amount of users posting decreases due to payouts being lower.

I have some tips for you that I give everyone who comes to me for advice - I´m not an expert in crypto nor economy, but I´m a good content creator and I can give some advice about this subject:

  • First of all: Don´t panic, dont sell your Steem.

  • Most Steemians are posting fewer times a week. This means that if we keep posting at our regular frequency, we will increase our chance to have more people reading our posts whether it is in other people´s feed or by browsing other tags.

  • The post quality is overall dropping but, if we continue to post with our regular quality, chances are some big stakeholder votes our posts.

  • Every post payout we get will be paid completely on Steem. Now is the time to stack steem, keep posting, every time you get a payout, you will get more Steem than when the price was higher. Remember we sould be thinking long term. Every Steem we receive today will be worth tons more in a few months/years.

  • People´s vote is worth less that´s true, but also everyone - who cares about the platform - is focusing in rewarding only the best content... So rise your post quality.

  • If you have Fiat - that is, physical money - consider buying Steem. This is a great time to buy Steem at this price.

So, what are you waiting for? Rise your posting frequency and don´t forget to keep the quality of your posts, otherwise all of this advice won´t be useful for you :(

In fact, since my feed is pretty much dead, I was thinking about following some more people. Why don´t you leave here in the comment section a short comment telling me what you blog about and, if we have similar interests i´ll check out your blog, if I like what I see i´ll start following you, no matter your reputation, steem power or time in the platform.

I made a similar post a few months ago and I stand by what I said there. I´m posting again about this subject because I think this is the right time to give this advice again. Now is the moment to keep posting, stacking steem and increase our engagement. Are you on board?


Excellent post, I am really new in the steemit community (only a week) and I have great expectations although I have not earned any money yet therefore I have no pattern of comparison between what was earned before and what´s earned now.

Obviously I need time and work to move forward, as you said "The prize is right, post more" but getting support from those who have more level and experience is essential to grow quickly.

I intend to make posts daily or more, additionally I have started a project of a photo every day and Thursdays of memories. Soon I will initiate others at the suggestion of those who have more experience. I am from Venezuela and I write in Spanish but once I take control of what is done here, I will start writing some posts in English as well.

Your post gives me more courage to develop in this community even though I have never written in blogs before. I am already following you and would love you to follow me and after seeing my blog please comment to follow your advice.

Welcome to Steemit, @jam29. Is English your 2nd language? Your English writing is pretty good, I couldn’t tell any difference.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for your welcome.

Yes, English is my 2nd language. You are very kind to say that my writing is pretty good, I know there is a big difference. You give me the courage to also write my publications in English. I will do it very soon.

Estimado amigo, como te he contado, llegué a esta plataforma "apenas" en marzo de este año, sin embargo le he tomado tanto cariño, tanta confianza y espero tanto de Steemit que dejé mis trabajos para dedicarme 100% a esta plataforma...
Solo dedico un par de horas a la semana para atender niños de la comunidad y darles clases de música (de manera gratuita como mi aporte a la sociedad)
En este momento mucha gente está hablando mal de Steemit y sus bajas ganancias, "su economía bajista" sin embargo siento y sé que "existe gente como tú" y como yo que tenemos sentido de pertenencia y que apoyamos de tal manera a Steemit que nuestra vida (prácticamente) gira en torno a Steemit.
Yo puedo decir que soy un Steem Blogger A tiempo completo y a pesar de no tener demasiado por acá, siento que tengo muchas horas/hombre invertidas aquí haciendo publicaciones de calidad, por lo menos una publicación diaria, cuidando la calidad y calidez en cada post, tratando de hacer comunidad.

No tengo ni la reputación suficiente, ni el sp suficiente, ni menos la experiencia en Cryptomonedas para decir de manera profética que el Steem va a subir, solo apuesto a mi instinto y a labuena fe de las personas que estamos aquí luchando por hacer de este mundo virtual, un legado para la humanidad, un mundo mejor para nuestros hijos, una reseña y archivo anecdótico para futuras generaciones.
La gente dice que hay que "escribir un libro, tener un hijo y sembrar un arbol", yo digo que no hay mejor libro que cada página escrita aquí, no hay mejor árbol que ver cada publicación creciendo junto a tus seguidores y comundad, y no hay mejor hijo que ver como tu blog crece y le dejas algo de calidad a tus futuras generaciones.
Disculpa si me extendí, amigo, es que tocaste la fibra con tu publicación y todo fluyó de manera rápida que no pude parar de escribir, gracias por la oportunidad de expresarme en un lugar privilegiado que tanta gente ve y analiza (tus publicaciones) @anomadsoul.

@kantos estoy de acuerdo contigo. Steemit es una comunidad que sobrevivirá porque tiene seguidores dedicados, como tú, que aman hacer el bien por el mundo. Les encanta escribir artículos inteligentes y útiles.

Te doy mi voto por ser un amante de esta comunidad. Sigan con el buen trabajo!

Wow, estimado amigo @pi50000 Estoy inmensamente agradecido por tu apoyo, mi intención con este escrito fue desahogar un poco lo que sentía y dar mi opinión, gracias, mil gracias por apoyarme.
Espero tengas feliz día y feliz vida en Steemit.
Saludos desde Venezuela.

Hi @anomadsoul

I've made a video that I posted earlier and focused on something of the same.

I allow to post it here to give people a little smile and think positively

Hey @anomadsoul, thank you for your reassuring post and encouraging people to keep their blogs running and post, when people hear such words from someone with your experience and insider glance that brings a peace in their minds. It is like politics, we see now for example in UK due to Brexit, people frightened of unknown and EU citizens quitting UK leaving their posts uncovered that affecting the industry and the economy.

Back to Steemit, the people have to see it like in real life, like Zebra's stripes, there are black stripe but we know that after that it will be the white one. It can not always go only downwards now the Steem finally plateaued and this is a good sign. But how many people look at the graphs and moreover how many understand how to read them.

Earlier I wrote my thoughts on @acidyo 's post, where he express the same thoughts like you. I mentioned that artists community will slow down now because one of the loyal supporter of artists @slothicorn project stopped because the delegation has been withdrawn. And we know that @ocd-resteem stopped resteeming the arts already for some time.

The artists have been always weak part of community, their works sometimes recognized too late, like in real life many artists despite of been on Steemit for more then a year still have little of Steem power because I do not think that whales are interested in art. Although we all agree and can't imagine our life without art.

As to my blog I found an artist in myself when I joined Steemit on 25/08 (soon is one year! Gosh, the time flies!) and I will keep developing myself and share my adventure on this Platform that I believe has future!

Cheers, your @Stef1

The post rewards are smaller but it is still fantastic than any other platform @anomadsoul but only people who had the love for blogging just continues.
Better to continue posting and just enjoy the platform, we would earn more steem than if it would shoot up in price, it is still a good time in order to get some visibility.

Hi - great reasoning....

I tend to simplify things by just saying 'if less people are posting, you are going to get a greater relative share of the reward pool, if yer in steem for the long haul, then it makes more sense to post now irrespective of the price!

A timely reminder indeed.

Having said that, ironically, I'm finding it an enormous struggle to balance my other blog and this being between houses.

I really need my house sale to go through!

Hey @anomadsoul :)
That's so true. writing and posting good Posts is one of the best way to interact and be active on the platform.
There are many ways to get into the Action like the sndbox Weekly Posts.
Look whats your hobbies and write down something about. If someone is intrested in, he will already saved the tag in his favourites.

as an example, i wrote something about Chester Bennington, the lead voice of Linkin Park for the Sndbox Crypto & Art and finally he's my inspiration since i heared him :)

Anyway, i think Meetups and specially the steemfest3 will be a great way to communicate and interact with several other steemians who doesn't recognised you already.

So spread the words, get into it and write something up :)
As anomad said already.


Rest In Peace, Chester Bennington.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Theoretically, it all sounds good. But realistically, it is not that straight forward. The reward pool still offers the same steem but kinda tilted from minnows, who can not circle jerk and little accumulated steem to put to work. They only rely on upvotes on their contents.

Unlike few months ago when i joined, the whales are not so 'generous' with their upvotes like before. Many are investing in bots or taking out as much as they can to invest somewhere else. Ofcourse it is prerogative to use their upvotes and steem as they like.

This means Whales' upvotes which keep minnows motivated are now hard to come by. The duty falls on communities. But they have more quality content creators trying to get their attentions and reduced upvote values.

It is hard for a minnow not to get discouraged from spending hours trying to create quality. Many have left, some are watching from the sideline and some like me are taking the not so tasking way of creating contents.

One way or the other i will find a way to active because i enjoy it here. It is more fun when when what you enjoy is taking care of your internet (like $4 a day here) and some other expenses. Hopefully better days will return soon.

I have to admit that I am one of those people that slowed down in terms of publishing content.

I used to be able to put out two posts a day especially with the bear market and people were posting less and I had the same thought that when people are posting less then there is an opportunity to be able to be seen more.

Yet about a month ago I got that Steem Burn out and I just started to lose interest. A huge part of that was because I was playing online games again in particular guild wars 2 and so the usual time that I spent Steeming was replace by going to raids and hunting for stuff.

I took the break not because of the price but I was feeling a bit down in terms of my growth. I felt some frustration that here I was at almost a year in the platform but I just could not make it work. I did everything I was into communities, my engagement was high but I just had such a hard time in getting views maybe its because I don't really have a niche.

Anyway still taking a break, down to publishing at least one every two days. I comment sometimes but still make it a point to reply to comments made in my post when I get back.

Hopefully with Hivemind and communities my energy will go back until then I do what I can to keep the fire burning even if it is set low at this point.

Interesting to read your story about why you've been posting less @maverickinvictus. This morning I feel I may finally be running out of energy too.

It took me eight months of posting every day except two, most days four times, to get to one thousand steem power. Then the last ouple of weeks I've been buying a little bit of Steem most days and I will be doubling my Steem Power shortly. So, it's hard to ask, in relation to posting, "what's the point"?

Engagement is way down and that makes it much harder to keep going too. I'm not finding with fewer people here it's easier to find more people to engage with. There just don't seem to be enough of us around anymore.

I'm not convinced Hivemind or communities will make much difference but we shall see. I think the future is more likely to be in SMT communities and, from that perspective, I'm still invested in Steem. I'm just not so sure about Steemit.

But then I've felt this way before and I'm still here and still posting and commenting. I can totally understand how you've got involved in gaming again though. If something else attractive turns up for me I may well do the same.

Maybe Steem Monsters will re-energise me, she says, not having a clue how to play such a game! 😂

I still think that Steem is a long game. Whatever SP we are able to generate and increase our holdings will be better for us in the future.

Who knows maybe someday with SMT Steem is such a premium crypto that we moon and that over 1K SP you have make you a multi millionaire!

I am hoping that I will get my energ back but in the meantime I am just enjoying life.

over 1K SP you have make you a multi millionaire

I'd be happy to take that @maverickinvictus. 😂

in the meantime I am just enjoying life

Very wise! 😁

Take it easy man, whenever you are ready don't forget that I am still here bro!

And the @promo-mentors fam ;)

Thanks FT once I figure out what I want to do again in the platform then I might come back

Hi @anomadsoul

I a gree with you
that at this time, the time was right to gather steem
without having to sell it, it lasts for only a few months

greetings from me to you @sultan-aceh