
What is Beam?
Beam is a digital currency that is characterized by being truly anonymous, although it remains a currency with the properties of the immutable and incorruptible blockchain has also been designed taking into account its own characteristics that come to provide greater scalability and features.
- Private by default:* the user has absolute control over the available transaction data, which allows the option of transparency and privacy
- Based on Mimblewimble: * Beam has smaller blocks than any other block chain, which gives it maximum scalability. It is a faster and more efficient network
Beam provides a difference in what it refers to is undoubtedly one of its main utilities and it is the commercial transfers, in a completely safe way for both interested, Beam really offers true anonymity
What can Beam do?
basically beam is a cryptocurrency with high reliability and scalable. It uses the Mimblewimble protocol, its fundamental purpose is:
- Give users control over what transaction information is shared and with whom it is shared
- Make a thinner block chain with less transaction details per transaction: allowing faster confirmations and, therefore, very efficient scaling
- Tie multiple transactions in a single transaction, tying blocks in a single transaction, tying a complete block chain in >a single transaction
- Hide transaction values for the sake of privacy
- Hide addresses of both the sender and receiver
- Enabling multiple types of transactions privately: escrow, time locked, atomic swaps, etc.

The solution - Mimblewimble
Mimblewimble is a concept based on providing the user with the ability to perform transactions with a high degree of privacy without collapsing. The re beam is building its network completely from scratch using Cimet based on Mimblewimble, "Beam can scale to adapt to mass adoption and, at the same time, maintain reasonable block sizes and allow total control over privacy. "
Below you can find more information on the beam channel
all the information available to you here
• Sitio web de Beam
• Papel de posición de viga
• Papel Mimblewimble
• Beam YouTube
• Beam Telegram
• Beam Facebook
• Beam Github
• Beam Bitcointalk
• Haz Medio
• Beam Twitter
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