Interview with Steemit Community Liaison @andrarchy: Advice for New Users

in #steemit7 years ago

First time I heard about Steemit was over a year ago. Back then I signed up, created a profile and successfully... forgot about it (stupid move, I know...)

About a week ago I decided to check it out and figure out how it actually works. Posted few short things, looked around and realized that I need to learn a lot before this place starts making complete sense to me.

In order to save time and get all the answers from a credible source I did what I've been doing since 3 years already: approached Steemit directly and asked for an interview. Luckily I got a response in the same day and they referred me to @andrarchy.

As a result we ended up with 40+ minutes of amazing conversation, where @andrarchy explained in details everything I asked about (cool, right?)

So below are the highlights and the video itself!

Interview Highlights

What is Steemit?

It's a combination of Reddit and Medium. Steemit is a content sharing platform and it helps its users to monetize their content. And the guess what? It's free to use! But there's even more...

The social network is itself is built into blockchain.

But you don't have to understand any of that complex stuff in order to start posting. 

How Many People Are Using Steemit?

Steemit has between 50-100k daily active users.

But it is not a question of how many people are using it. It's more about the value of users.

The value of average social media user is zero, which is not the case for Steemit user (it's obviously more than zero)

What About Followers?

If you create high quality content then you will get high quality followers. So make sure you focus on quality!

It doesn't so much matter how many people upvote you as much as who the upvotes come from!

How to Make Sure People on Steemit See Your Content?

Engage and interact with the users. Comment on their posts. Look for people whose content you find valuable.

Create genuine relationship, instead of asking for upvotes and follows.

Don't be the douchebag who spams! (this one was my bonus idea)

Can You Repurpose Your Existing Content? 

The short answer is yes. You can use what you have already created. 

But if you cater it to Steemit audience it will do even better! (so don't be a lazy ass!)

How Do I Make Money?

The points you earn are cryptocurrency tokens that have value on the market. 

You can exchange Steem for Bitcoin and then exchange that into real money. (you can use for that)

Steemit rewards people who invest the most in the platform, especially the content creators.

3 Ways of Making Money on Steemit

  1. Create content
  2. Comment on content
  3. Curate content

Niche Down or go Broad?

Being broad can be rewarding. You do not need to stick to a narrow niche in order to succeed on the platform.

So... How to Start?

1. Sign up (waiting period is  24-48 hours)

2. Chat with other Steemians at

3. Start engaging on the platforms (comment!)

4. Look for good content that is your cup of tea

5. Start paying attention to formatting (photos, headings, short to the point paragraphs, well organized content will do better)

And Remember!

It is possible to quickly raise through the ranks... It IS possible but it ISN'T easy!

Of course I did not cover everything in here. We spoke for 40+ minutes, so obviously it is better if you watch the whole thing.

Watch the Interview Below


@andrarchy is an awesome dude, right! Love his enthusiasm for the platform.
And i definitely think Steemit should, GO BROAD!
I predict that by building a steady momentum, steem value will increase.

Great stuff! @andrachy is the perfect guy for this job :)

Very instructive. Looking forward to more interviews with the Steem people.

plan doing many more )

Thanks. We all can use good advice on here. I know I need it. :)

I am happy you found it useful )

Awesome idea! Nice

thanks - hope it was useful )

Indeed it was! I just posted from what I leanred from my search for info after watching your interview!

I mentioned you and @andrarchy in my post! Thanks so much and I'd be honored if you checked it out

Very good! Great advice and points given. Helps bunches in my journey down the stemmit trail. Thank you!

I'm on the same journey here...

thank you for good posting.

thanks for reading/watching )

I joined too one year ago and for the first few weeks/months I had no idea what I was doing ^^ That was a bit frustrating to see everyone successful and all, but by now I must say it was the most exciting time on my computer ever :) I'm glad about what I achieved, even if it's tiny in comparison with other :) Good interview, @anialexander ! Following!

followed back. I guess I am now where you were at a year ago )

Great job as always Ani! Happy to be hanging out on Steem with ya! Looking forward to more interviews, let's get a show or two rolling on steem (hmmm "Steemrolling")!