
I can understand why you would feel that way, and it's going to take a while to take off.
But in my opinion facebook is the next MySpace.

Facebook will eventually become obsolete, especially when the masses wake up to what they are still handing Suckerburg for free.
For years, we all willingly handed over personal information. We essentially gave our own right to privacy away. Lets face it, they played the game well. Feed our endorphins with a few thumbs up, and we all worked for them for free!
It got to the point, when someone told you they weren't on Facebook, it would appear they were sus, or had somthing to hide. It's ridiculous.

In exchange, all we get is the big companies like FB, Google and Twitter controlling the vast majority of the media market. Now, not only are they censoring and controlling the news they want us to see. They also know, what we want to see, what will tug at our heart strings, or what will create anger, fear and frustration.... All on a a world stage.

They know each one of us so well, they can manipulate the B.S they force feed us, and how much of their B.S we would individually consume before raising to much suspicion.

But that's just my opinion, I could be completely wrong.