Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Create And Publish Your Steemit Articles?
While many members are disappointed, discouraged or even nagging because of the current low price of STEEM/SBD, I think now is the perfect time to create and publish our Steemit articles! The explanation why is straightforward and easy, in fact, pure mathematics.
Photo Source: Pixabay. Credits to rawpixel for typewriter, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
As first, and without any doubt I believe the price of STEEM and SBD will rise again. In fact, I think it would happen quite soon.
Being here (as steemd.com would describe my account age) for 20 moons by now, and looking back on some historical data, as well having in mind every day broader popularity of Steemit platform which is currently reaching 1 million users, the new upward trend in STEEM and SBD is something we can surely expect.
In other words, in the past 20 moons/months being here, I experienced and witnessed 8 long months in which the price of 1 STEEM was circling in between $0.10 and $0.20 while the price of 1 SBD was around $1.00 (almost fixed).
At that time the published article which displayed reward (under the post) would show total earning (just in an example for better understanding) of $100 would receive way lower amount of SBD in comparison to the amount of received Steem Power/STEEM.
If we know that our author's reward is deducted (at most) for 25% of curation reward, while the remaining amount is split 50/50 between Steem Power and SBD, the example article mentioned above will receive the following.
From total $100 to the voters of the article as a curation reward would be given $25. Remaining $75 with 50/50 split would end up in the amount of 37.50 SBD and 375.00 Steem Power/STEEM (when 1 STEEM was $0.10) or 187.50 Steem Power/STEEM (when 1 STEEM was $0.20).
And that's basically how those early adopters, current dolphins, orcas, and some whales managed to build their accounts with Steem Power more significantly.
Today for the same $100 article, the same amount of $25 will be given to the voters as a curation reward but remaining $75 (with 50/50 split) would arrive in our wallets as follows.
The amount of SBD would remain the same as it was back then, 37.50 SBD, while our Steem Power reward would be 20x or at least 10x lower, about 18.75 Steem Power/STEEM (if we assume that current STEEM price is 1 STEEM = $2).
You might ask now, how the present moment could be then the perfect time for us to publish our articles as next raise of STEEM/SBD would only cause us to receive smaller amounts of Steem Power/STEEM?!
Two reasons why now is the perfect time to create and publish our Steemit articles!
Photo Source: Pixabay. Credits to PublicDomainPictures for graph-growth, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
The First Reason - While the STEEM price is low
From the above-given calculations, you understand now that you would receive more Steem Power/STEEM for the same valued article than you would if the price goes up.
In other words, if the price of STEEM returns to about $4 per 1 STEEM, your $100 article would bring you only 9.375 Steem Power/STEEM what is half of the amount you would get now while the price is still around $2 per 1 STEEM.
The Second Reason - When the price of STEEM will go up again
If we are aware that the prices of STEEM/SBD may go up (from current $2 up to even $4) as in the following few hours (we have seen such jumps before) the same in the following 7 days, we should also be aware that every our active post (which would reach its 7 days payment due inside that period) will be affected with that increase!
Meaning, if your post now shows the reward (again using the above example) of $100 if and when the increase happens, at the payment time, it might show up to $200 (as the value of the received votes goes up or down in accordance and following the market price of STEEM/SBD).
In such case, a today published article with the displayed reward of $100 in following 7 days (168 hours) when it reaches its payment due may be worth $200 what would bring you to the following earning outcome.
25% of total displayed reward ($200) in the amount of $50 would be given to the voters as a curation reward, while the remaining $150 would arrive in your wallet as 18.75 Steem Power/STEEM ($75 / $4 = 18.75 STEEM - the same amount you would receive when the STEEM price was low, and your article reward was only $100) and 75 SBD (what would be the double amount of received SBD not even to mention 4x more worth in USD).
To Conclude
Using the current situation of low STEEM/SBD by investing our time and efforts in creating new articles, at least for one and eventually even for the both of above reasons might be a win-win situation for us. We don't know which of our following articles (or maybe even few of them) may become a big winner when the prices go up again.
That's why I think...
Now Is The Perfect Time To Create And Publish Our Steemit Articles!
Photo Source: Pixabay. Credits to jessica45 for ticket, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
Therefore, go and post your article! Only the published post is your entrance to almost guaranteed winning. As we don't know the exact time when the increase of STEEM/SBD prices will occur, without it, it would be like waiting for the winning lottery announcement but forgetting or neglecting to buy the ticket before.
Posted on Saturday, March 17, 2018

Well thought out @ana-maria. 😀 We just need to remember the important application Steem serves and not get caught up in the overall crypto downturn, which we all know is temporary. I'm using extra time today to see who my followers are that are actively creating great content and leaving meaningful comments and I found you. Look forward to seeing more!
Thank you very much, Karen!
You kinda melted me with your comment! 😊
This is a great write up! I tell people all the time that with Steemit, posting is like buying or mining the currency with your mind.
You want to buy when the price is low in any other market, so here's your chance to buy buy buy while it's low, and you'll get a lot more STEEM for your posts than you would if the price were high.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who is seeing that way! 🙂
Btw - thank you very much for stopping by, upvoting and commenting! 😊
Thanks for the encouraging words! I write in a topic that's not exactly "hot," so I get little attention for the amount of work I put in. But ultimately I believe my content will have unforeseen value as the audience for science and STEM grows.
You are welcome! 🙂
And don't be discouraged no matter what's the subject you are writing in. Just keep in mind that growing on Steemit takes time (to build your fan/follower base, build your reputation etc., and above all how to post properly and gain the attention of more influential members).
However, consider at least first 3 months if not more as some learning curve. 😉🙂
I had stopped publishing often due to this drop, plus I haven't really received great rewards, but reading your article motivates me to write, I just hope someone can read my content, thank you very much.
I'm really glad to hear that my article motivated to write again! 🙂
In my opinion, patience, persistence, and continuity are the key factors for some success on Steemit, although not some overnight success but slow and growing. At least, that's my experience.
As well, more we write we get better in writing! 😉
You just made my day! To be honest, I never thought of this. Steemit is full of articles about the drop and all of them are telling the same old story "Buy when it's low, sell when it's high" but no one mentioned how the drop affects our payouts. Maybe people think it is obvious and it doesn't need mentioning but I disagree since your post is a revelation to me :) From time to time we need to be reminded of obvious things because we tend to forget. Thank you for this, it was like a brick in my face. A happy positive brick with a smile drawn on it :)
hahaha - You just made my day with this comment! 🙂 Thank you!
yeah we should keep patience and work hard
Yeah, and especially if we don't have double accounts which are following each other and upvoting every single each other's comments like it seems to be the case with your @jassi and @karanchahal accounts.
I have been around for 6 months and am beginning to find the ROI as far as time is spend is almost not worth it. I run 2 separate accounts, write biographies and run contest but there is just no getting ahead unless you have some heavies upvoting your posts! The masses on steemit will never be able to use the income derived here to pay their bills. Whales are upvoting whales with 300STU at a time and the smaller people get ignored. Voting bots mostly end up costing money instead of boosting your account. Why am I still around you may ask? well I enjoy the interaction with people and I actually enjoy what I am doing, but as far as time invested goes, it does not pay, not for my time anyway.
Well, if nothing else I can agree with you that if I would have to pay my bills and rely only on my earnings from Steemit, unfortunately, they wouldn't get paid (or at least not by now and regularly).
Although, I wouldn't say that "masses will never be able to use" it that way. Of course, that also depends on what kind of masses are we talking about. If masses would be a big amount of people who would like something for nothing overnight or even better right away after they show up on the platform, than I can agree with you entirely - it would never happen.
But good and original content creators, community contributors, inspirational motivators and similar, in the end, and through time, I believe, they would find the way to float on the surface, although it's true that many such ones but currently smaller ones are overlooked or even ignored.
As well, I wouldn't put all the whales in the same category, as there are many good, hardworking and in many ways contributing members among them. Unfortunately, the bad examples always strike above.
I can also agree with you regarding voting bots as I find them as the pure paid advertisement. The only reason why they don't appear as such to many is in the fact that they don't tell us exactly for this amount of money (STEEM/SBD) you will get the upvote of that specific worth. Instead, they appear to be more like some "cash back" debit or credit cards who would return a certain portion of the paying amount back to you. But this way or another, we would end up paying that product, service or what so ever. From my point of view, the same applies to the bots here.
bots are like a casino, if you lucky you win, but mostly you loose. lol. Its a gamble.
First, thanks for the explanation, I needed that...
Secondly, I'm still posting no matter the price.. I think we need to give back to our followers no matter the circumstances, especially like this one... What we need to learn is to be disciplined in our work and that's the key to success anywhere.. I hope the same rules are applied here..
And as you said, you'll never know which post can make extra money when the market rises... Extra motivation is always welcomed!
Same here! I was posting when the Steem price was $0.10 and I hope I'll still be around posting when the price reaches $10 per Steem or even more! 😉🙂
Thank you very much for stopping by, commenting and voting! Appreciate it a lot!
Let us hope that it reaches that much! Since I'm here, the price is just going down so my experience still makes me sad but I hear people talking that the price will go up, so I'm kinda positive about the future... Regardless of that, better to keep on posting if we want to be disciplined not only here but in other aspects of life!
Have a great evening!
Ye I generally don't follow Steem price while posting/ Yes it's an interesting time to buy and increase your SP. My confusion is If I should convert my little investment in other cryptos and move it to Steem now..Even since I got into the crypto space, I've never seen prices so cheap.
Same here as I also don't bother and don't want to bother myself thinking about the Steem price while I'm posting. I am more focused on the (better) performance of my article inside Steemit community and no matter what the amount displayed under it would be calculated in some fiat currency. So, I would say we are on the same page about that one. 🙂
Regarding the interesting or right time to buy Steem and increase our SP - or not, I think the present moment might be the right time to invest.
But there is another aspect, I believe shouldn't be neglected and at least it would be wise to research it before making some final decision.
In other words, and from my point of view when it comes to buying Steem by converting some other crypto coin into Steem, I don't think (or at least I don't see) some significant change in between cryptocurrencies itself.
In an example, for last six months, the price of Steem in comparison to BTW was fluctuating approximately between 20,000 up to 40,000 (BTC) Satoshi for 1 STEEM, even at the times when in comparison to USD Steem had higher and more significant upward jumps.
Therefore, I think it's important to take into consideration, as first, from which currency you would buy Steem. Here is also important to know (what differs from one Exchange to another) in which currency pairs Steem is available to you. In total, Steem is available only in 8 different pairs (STEEM/BTC, STEEM/ETH, STEEM/TRY, STEEM/BNB, STEEM/KRW, STEEM/BITUSD, STEEM/BITCNY and STEEM/USD), but not all those pairs are available on all 8 exchanges. Some support only one of them the other 2, 3 or at most 4 pair combinations, but none of them all eight pairs.
So, when you determine what Steem currency pair your exchange supports, you should also check how many transactions are needed (if any) to convert your starting coin into Steem, as it might involve additional transaction costs (which fees also vary from exchange to exchange). For instance, if your starting coin is e.g. NEO, DOGE, Litecoin or any other not listed in above pairs you will first need to convert your starting coin into some coin which is in combination with Steem supported on your exchange. Only after that, you would be able to buy Steem. In such case, there would be two transactions involved which costs should be calculated.
However, before jumping to some conclusion we should think of all of that what takes a lot of research and calculation, to be able to make a really right decision. Many people neglect that part.
Never the less, the way how I see it (and it's not some financial or investment advice) the only true profitability I can see just for buying Steem from USD, and only if we are already holding USD. In that case, and even if have to convert those USDs in some other crypto coin to be able to buy Steem this might be profitable in the longer run. But if we hold any other crypto coin (and without previously done above described detailed analyze), it seems to me, it wouldn't be such a big difference if we buy Steem now or in 3 months when its price would very likely be higher (in USD), as the difference between currencies itself wouldn't be that significant.
That's how I see it!
Thank you very much for such a detailed response. It really shows your commitment to this platform too. I use coinspot - the aussie exchange. I've got Byteballs and BTG. Can you believe my luck. Bought both of them at very high rates in January. All the profits I made from Ripple and other coins were moved to these two ultimately. I've pretty much lost most of it now in the current meltdown. However, I'm not too unhappy because I've discovered Steemit along this journey and I'm super pleased to meet people like you. This is something money can't buy and I think it's worthwhile investing one's time here.
This is my response to @jerrybanfield's anxiety.
I saw your post on the Aussie steemit facebook group. Im glad you posted there.
Anyway, long story shot...Coinspot is an expensive exchange, but very easy to buy coins and you can trade between almost all coins listed there. You can even cash out. Are you based here? Don't want to tell you something you already know...hahah..Thank you once again. I'm following u now...
Thank you very much, Michele!
As well, for the upvote too!