[Announcement] AmericaLuigi Digital Asset Crowdfunding Campaign
The AmericaLuigi Digital Asset Crowdfunding Campaign has started!
Hello Everyone!
TL;DR: Get your AMERICALUIGI Tokens here!
I am AmericaLuigi, welcome to my Digital crowdfunding campaign, a ground floor opportunity for an exciting new concept that entails Digital currency combined with Global business distribution. My concept is straightforward, 7 pillars that will generate profitable growth.
- Animation / Cartoons / Comics
- T-shirts, Hats, Chef Hats, Aprons, Hoodies, etc.
- Puppets and Plush Toys
- Pet Toys, ...
- YouTube Videos, Live Streams
- Game Apps / Video Games
- Advertising Campaigns
Branding is key for a company to grow exponentially with astounding profits. For this reason, I’m in contract talks with a Social Media company that is Google partnered, which are opening new offices and soon to be expanding internationally, but already situated here in North America, New York, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa.
As you know, we are continuously bombarded with fast food restaurants and Images of fictional characters used in advertisements to entice the general public especially children to purchase their Food products. AmericaLuigi was created on a simple platform, “Make Fruits and Vegetables part of your daily snacks”. A fictional chef with mini-me’s Squeegee and Weegee, promoting Fruits and Vegetables. What parent(s) wouldn’t like that? Finally, a fictional character, tested with public appearances and enjoyed by so many who found America Luigi to be pleasant and encouragement for their children to “Make Fruits and Vegetables part of their daily snacks”.
“Make Fruits and Vegetables part of their daily snacks”.
Therefore, I ask for active participants to join me in my journey at this ground floor opportunity with this new paradigm of digital currency that has initiated at it’s infancy stage soon to be a global phenomenon.
Above, I have listed 7 pillars that generate revenue, as we already know with other companies such as CandyCrush, Angry Birds, Facebook, Twitter, Google / YouTube just to name a few that generate Billions of dollars in revenue. With America Luigi, there are no VP’s or directors or other profit taking individuals as we always hear generate millions of dollars in bonuses. The cost to operate is minimal as the work will be outsourced to other companies for the time being.
You, the participant earn the profits by way of interest on your digital currencies, based on economic favourable growth at a rate of 1.75% for the first year and annually reassessed as growth continues.
At the present time, I have completed 2 iOS mobile apps that are featured on the Apple store as well as 2 Android apps featured on Google Play Store. Plus my Website, www.AmericaLuigi.com along with several YouTube videos that have been recently released, along with a following of 90k+ of Twitter fans and 29.5k+ of Instagram fans.
My objective with your support/backing is to:
- Website. -- Completely revise my website that will feature more updated YouTube videos of my Channel, incorporate Live Facebook video feeds with actual phone calls from fans participating in Giveaways of featured items on my website, including grocery shopping gift cards.
- Create New YouTube videos using 3D animation
- Create New 3D game apps. As we already know, a few companies that have developed games apps earn Billions in profits annually.
- Create a new TV series with the adventures of AmericaLuigi along with his mini-me’s Squeegee and Weegee
- Merchandising. -- The same applies with t-shirt/hats, clothing merchandise, toys, pet toys. Companies out there generating Billions in profits, especially with pet toys. Therefore, create an eCommerce store that are linked with Facebook and other stores that will link with our website.
- Marketing. -- Marketing is key to growth, having the right team of professionals behind me to push the brand through social media such as Facebook, Steemit, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google on a consistent basis and build up sales accordingly with no multi million dollar Bonuses payouts to board of directors or CEO’s etc. … . The Bonus goes to YOU.
- Sales Team. -- We'll hire the right sales team to sell advertising space on the website. As you already know, the advertising space generates billions of dollars.
For participants that are patient and interested in a return for their involvement, I’m offering a percentage based on the revenue from all the above 7 mentioned areas that will generate a great deal of revenue. This is not local sales, it’s International sales via internet and distribution of merchandise. Every year the percentage of return will be based on the generated growth from the advertising space, merchandise, TV series, YouTube, toys, pet toys, hat’s t-shirts, apparels.
For our AmericaLuigi digital currency crowdfund campaign, I have agreed to cap the amount in circulation to 10,000,000 and NO additional amount can be requested, made or created.
They are tradeable, fungible & not duplicable.
Get Some AMERICALUIGI Tokens Now!
Thank you for your support!
First come first served.
Get your AMERICALUIGI Tokens today!
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welcome! i look forward to reading your articles!