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RE: Sweetsssj

in #steemit8 years ago

Hello all. I usually don't get into these kinds of conversations on here because it really is not healthy for any of us. But, I just want to make some points.

  1. Let me just say that it is quite possible to have blog posts as nice as @sweetsssj without a professional crew. To prove it, I will do a similar post as the one's she does and come back and paste the link here. I'll try to get that done in the next couple of days. Now, that's not to say that she does not own the blog and that the blog is not done up by professionals. That's not what I'm out to prove, just that it can be done. Which brings me to my next point.

  2. It really does not matter if the person in these blog posts is the blogger or not, nor does it matter that she chooses to pay professionals to make the blog bling like it does. It really doesn't. It is good content and quite entertaining, as no one can deny.

  3. Steemit is an open project where anyone can do exactly what this blog is doing, given the time, resources, drive and creativity. I see that as an opportunity. And as far as people upvoting themselves and not others is also part of this opportunity, which probably won't last forever, given the constant hard forks. So, if anybody can invest enough steem for their vote to be worth a few dollars or more and they upvote themselves and Steemit allows it, then more power to them (no pun intended but it fits). The Steemit powers-that-be are well aware of all the things that people can complain about, when it comes to those making all the money on here, and they can change it if they so choose. But until then, my advice would be to don't hate and emulate.

  4. @randompic, taking a look at your blog posts, I see that you too could get your blog poppin' because you have good taste in random pics. That's a good concept, just ask UberFacts on Twitter.

My advice is when you see somebody ballin' on here, instead of trying to tear them down, do you best to see what you can learn about why they are so successful. Spewing haterade is not a good look and you never know who's looking.

Just my 2 cents.



Thank you! I agree.

It does not matter. It is very realistic for her to do her posts. I mean come on.. The 'coding' she does isn't building a new software, it's making a blog post.. Very doable for anyone. I don't want to get too tied up into this, just @randompic, start chilling out please. You could be much rather spending your time doing something positive rather than trying to put others down.

Actually it all started because she was putting me down and insulting me with her comments.

I asked one simple question and she became very defensive and went of on a rant.

She brought this on herself.

Truth does matter. Validating content by the community is important. The popularity of a fraud is an insult to the platform and the community.

Thank you for your input, I agree. This is an insult to the platform, an insult to her followers and to all the honest members creating honest content.

Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.

I calling Catfish!! Max and Nev will help us figure this out!!! #CatfishSteemItEdition

Thank you for your input @amarie!

  1. I also think that its possible to but a blog together in a day like @sweetsssj does but almost every single day?

  2. Normally it wouldn't really matter... if it was known as a Hollywood production. There is nothing wrong with forming a team to do the behind the scene work for you unless its on Steemit and you are not being honest about it. Her followers support her and they are led to believe that it is just her. And when she responds to their replies, they believe that the responses are coming from her and if they aren't, that is morally wrong and what Steemit stands up against.

  3. Yes Steemit is open source but Steemit also has guides and ethics that they want to uphold those. An example is many members upvoting their own replies and not upvoting the authors article is frowned upon and becoming a big problem. Yes, its there and you can do it but its not ethical.

  4. I'm the first one to admit that my blog post are not perfect with fancy coding but hey, its all me. I write it myself and respond to replies myself. Its honest and whoever supports me deserves honesty from me.

This has nothing to do with the fact that @sweetsssj is ballin', its about honesty, integrity and greed. The things that Steemit are against.

I hear ya. What you are describing is called capitalism and it is in everything. My whole point is that there is no point in publicly ridiculing someone else's blog. Spin that anger energy into something positive for yourself. For example, look how long my response was to you and how long yours is to me. Both of us could have put up another blog post about something in the time it took to do this.

You are just as smart, capable and creative as anyone else on this platform. Live and let live and let Steemit take care of whatever. And if they don't, then you still keep Steeming. You can do it. Maybe we can come up with some kind of way to help each other get to dolphin status. That would be cool.

But, forget about being mad at somebody else because you feel they are not presenting themselves legitimately, it doesn't matter. This is a train and it's moving fast. You're in early. It's still in its infancy. Get on it before it gets to far up the tracks.

Thank you for your input! IF she is doing all the creative work as she claims to be then great, I support her, However, its not likely and its a big lie and an insult to Steemit.

Anyone can hire writters, photographers and coders and make a fortune too but it wouldn't be honest creativity unless they were honest about what they are doing.

How can her followers trust her when she lies about the whole operation?

@amarie, you put a lot of time and effort in to your post so doesn't it bother you that someone would put put dishonest blogs and not be honest with followers?