Steemit Feature Request: One tag per post

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Tag spamming is very bad for you

Currently, there are too many posts that are tag-spamming to get as wide a reach as possible. As a result, the tags have a low signal-to-noise ratio. It's hard enough to get your content seen by people as it is, the tags on the right are almost useless. I want the photography tag to be lots of pictures, the introduceyourself tag to show new people.

If the tag system is kept, I would propose that there be some sort of penalty for tagging a post with more than a single category. Currently, there's no incentive to curb tag-spamming and that just reduces the utility of tags in general.

@dantheman, can you make this happen?


Not a bad idea, maybe two tags as the limit

I think some sort of restriction/penalty is necessary. It's currently too hard to find stuff you want to see.

Good point and it would help people find the content they are looking for.. Like I did this video..
And it would be nice to just have it in like let's say the video section

Agree. The community is now big enough where having more front pages, essentially would be beneficial.

Great post! Upvoted :D

Wish @dantheman would see this and implement it.