Stay Classy, Steemit.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

There are a lot of posts going around right now about what makes Steemit so special. A lot of them involve code, algorithms, bots, and other things I don't understand. But here's something that I think we can all understand: The Power of Positivity.

I am hardcore, ride or die, all in addicted to Steemit right now. I spend much more time on here than I should, and my use of other social media has greatly decreased. Upon reflection, I realized why I love Steemit so much (and no, it's not the money): It's the people. I love the content we're creating, the knowledge and experiences we are sharing, and the positivity we are spreading around.

I look on Reddit, and I see people tearing each other apart. I see conversation that isn't productive, and people who put no thought into what they're saying (Disclaimer: I am in no way saying everyone on Reddit is like this). On my Facebook feed, I see endless sales pitches for the latest pyramid scheme and constant debates on Trump vs. Hillary. I have no time or patience for any of that. I'm one jewelry or makeup party invitation away from a computer hiatus. I do not want to purposelessly debate politics in circles.

What do I want? I want to learn. I want to interact meaningfully. I want to exist in a place where we build eachother up. I wholeheartedly believe Steemit is that place. We're all new, we're all learning. We are one team who is figuring this out together. It's far from perfect, but I think the big picture is something really special. Positive thinking and encouraging one another will continue to expand this platform into one that stands above the rest. Let's keep it that way!