Life As A 14-Year-Old Crypto and Silver Investor!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

People always look at me funny when I start talking about cryptocurrency or investing in silver, and they act like they just saw a ghost... But, investing in crypto and silver has changed my life quite a bit and has allowed me to understand how the real world works at a young age so when I get older it won't be a complete shock.

My Thinking...

The way I think when I invest is I think where something is going, I want to be able to buy a little amount of something and be able to make maximum profit from it. (At least with crypto) I don't invest in crypto as much as I do with silver because physical silver and cryptos to me is a whole different ballgame.

I typically try to invest in the cheaper cryptos that look like they will go somewhere, like steem, ethereum, litecoin, etc. Although I haven't been able to invest much lately, I still constantly look at the price of cryptos to see where things are headed. I think over all it is good to have a good stash of silver because you may never know what happens with your crypto, it is a digital currency, and in all honesty, you really can't hold it or control it as well as physical silver.

I've been collecting silver and small amounts of gold ever since I was about seven years old, and with every opportunity I got, I would buy an ounce. The way I look at it, every ounce is an inch closer to freedom and not having to be a slave to a 9 through 5 job that pays just enough so you can live a poor lifestyle. You have to be there in order to want freedom bad, when you live on the edge sometimes, it makes you feel like doing something that will change your life forever, and thats the way I feel about crypto and silver.

Silver for me is a long term investment, I don't look at it as an instant profit because right now the price of silver is being manipulated and is way undervalued. But one day, silver will be worth it's true value. But, crypto right now for me is considered a way of making "instant" profit. The magic about crypto is you can become a millionaire in a split few minutes or even seconds. It isn't uncommon to hear about people becoming crypto millionaires overnight. It's all over the place.


So get out there and invest in crypto and silver!!

-I have hope for my life,family, and friends thanks to steemit-1.png


Very nice now we have a 13 year old and a 14 year old . Now let's spread steemit in our schools and make it the hip social media site of 2017-2018.

thats a bad idea because steemit will turn ghetto and annoying if we have a bunch of kids on here

Totally disagree on that . If the youth buys into an idea it always takes off. They will be looking for ways to buy bitcoin to get steem just like I use to look for Xbox gift cards and iTunes gift cards .

Yeah, depends on what type of kids we have on here. Im all for it if they are smart and have something good to say. But only if you have seen the majority of kids in a ghetto public school (like i have), you would think otherwise. I spent a whole year in a ghetto los angeles school where fighting was an every day thing and where crime is normal.

I believe in steemit and if they start eating crap there downvoptes will knock them out of the party.

Exactly @richard-921, a free market always picks the winners. No offence Alex -- for 14 you are fucking lightyears beyond most Adults with your investment strategy and acumen. Way to go son!

ps, I know a girl that humped that Steve guy from Blues Clues... it used to make me laugh when i went over to my bros place and all my nieces and nephews were watching Blues Clues -- and i was thinking of him drinking beers and pounding this little tart I know...


@thedamus lol blues clues takes whole other

It's important to get kids on here. You are the future and it's possibly more important for kids your age to understand the hows and whys of cryptocurrencies and decentralization than it is for adults. We don't need another generation of sheeple; it's already bad enough.

I love seeing the youth getting involved!

Do your thing young buck.

It's great to read such words of wisdom from a young investor. You seem to be on the right path to freedom. Steem on!

Man, you're Brilliant... You hold the keys to a Bright Future! Stack On...

Smart man! Good to see the younger generation aware of our debt based system and working towards a better future. Much love!

Wise beyond his years. My son will be reading this post later today. The 4 paragraphs contain a superior economic lesson than my son will receive in school this year. Follow, UV, RS

WOW! If just %5 of the US population displays the wisdom that you just did we will be in a whole different situation. Keep on staking brother!

Thanks for sharing and I liked this read! I have not thought to invest in physical metals yet. It would be nice to see some references or if you could expand on some of your ideas. For example, what makes you think that silver is currently undervalued? Cheers!

Thanks for responding! Silver is undervalued because the people running the market don't want it to have it's real value. The banksters and elites don't want the common people to have a currency that is worth more than the dollar. Also, silver can't be printed like paper money, it needs to be mined. So for the price it is now, it is cheap.

Cite us some sources to back up your argument for silver. ;)

does my common sense count?

Common sense is your commentary and adds personality and opinion to your post, which is good. What is common sense to you may not be common sense to someone else. Sources simply help to prove or illustrate your point. Citing credible sources will help attract more whales/dolphins to your posts and also with papers you'll be writing in high school.

Another thing: if you want to be a good writer, you have to read (books and articles you agree and disagree with) so you can write coherently, passionately, and respectfully, among other things.

O for chrissakes, give the kid a break -- he's 14! He writes better than i did when i was 20! And he is also correct in everything he says, or alludes to, in his article.
He's practising, talking the talk, and expressing some ideas. It's not up to him to provide you the exact details of the silver market, price manipulation, history, uses, global supply/demand fundamentals or anything else for that matter.

Holy hanna! This is a silver stacking post, leave the pedagogy at home.

Thanks for this reply. Just wish I could upvote it more than once.

He's my son, but nice rant. Thanks, enjoyed reading it.

If I don't help him improve, who will? Certainly not you or any other stranger. I happened to be at work when I read his post and wanted to tell him those things. It's kind of my job first and foremost to be a parent!!!

Well that makes it a little different... however, if you are going to insist on exactitude then i wouldn't be complaining about his grammar with a run-on sentence :P

I bet you're an amazing mother -- your kid is proof -- and only want what is best for him. And i agree it is your job to be a parent first and foremost. Sometimes, though, that is best achieved by lettin' 'em have a lil room to flap their wings.

Best regards, @thedamus

There are lots of ways to set the real value of silver. The M2 money supply is only one of them. Here is a link:

For a good overview of the ins and outs of silver manipulation:

Gold and silver's prices are both determined by futures markets. In which the amount of contracts sold sell a certain amount of ounces that is more than the actual supply of gold and silver mined. So by selling more futures contracts it therefore shows that there is an abundant supply than there actually is, which therefore suppresses the price of precious metals.

Wow great one man

I use to be proud as a 19 year old crypto trader and steemian doing great but, coming across you a 14 year old doing better than i am, challenges me to strive for the best and work more smart.

I will be following you

Im 74 and holding, gold, silver & copper. I will be following him too.