in #steemit7 years ago (edited)



If we already know that weapons are a danger, imagine in the hands of any person; It can not be that anyone has unlimited access to weapons of any kind. how we can avoid armed massacres in our society is worse than mass murders.
The United States has not only a problem of mass murders, but a huge and multifaceted problem of armed violence. but why the United States has not been able to control the problem of firearms? They are debated among those who claim and defend the right to self-defense as those who advocate a country free of arms. then who are the reason, how can we really do so that a person does not end the life of 20 while they are quiet in their classrooms, or simply because today I want to shoot thousands? This is a problem with a lot of discussion and debate over. There have to be reforms and laws where you really put rules and specific rules, including mental exams to give a person the right to carry a weapon.


I am terrified of the ease with which an individual can acquire weapons; this contributes to a greater risk of massive shootings. But this is a problem to which I see the truth difficult solution since we do not have awareness first of this; It saddens me to see children killing others armed with assault rifles, how can they have access to such weapons! There are many questions, few answers and regrettable results.


Hopefully we can reach a prompt solution where good results and so we do not continue to regret deaths without reason .....



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