Mr. Hard Advice- How to Block Someone On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

Hard Advice - How to Block Someone On Steemit


Scratch that. Okay, I didn't create this post as link bait. Rather I want you to understand that what you are asking isn't possible at least not in the traditional way you are thinking.

For example lets say you have a barber. Your favorite barber in whole world and he has been your barber for your whole life. His father was your father's barber and so on and so forth. One day he cant get you in, but you are really itching for a haircut. Really bad. So you go to the discount hair joint down the street just to scratch that hair-cut itch. Suddenly as you walk out you see your barber. Oh crap! Now you have no barber, but that barber is so upset you break up. But that barber is so mad at you, like bic you head mad, and starts to troll you on the Internet. I recently began to think about this and realized that I couldn't block someone that I really wanted to on the platform. I had every legitimate motivation in the world in blocking, well actually two people. I could block them on Facebook, Snapchat, or even email, but not here. Why?

Why Not? Damn You, Why Not?


Damn you, developers. You should have thought that through. Whoa, nelly. Hang on and listen. You need to remember the core of what Steem is, and it isn't. You are making your steem dollars, steem power and doing almost everything else on here via a blockchain. The core of blockchain technology means that to ensure the continued security of a chain that the next "ledger" entry is based on the previous entry thus you need to be able to see all the entries and thus everything that everyone did on that blockchain. Really if you need to understand this go to Youtube and type in, "Blockchain explained." Watch every single video you find, every last one. If you don't understand now...well my friend this platform might not be the place for you. You might, however, have future in the Whitehouse cabinet!

Bad News


If your unwanted, stalking, crazy, psychotic barber is obsessed about you cheating on them with another barber, is watching you, you can't hide from them. Sorry, if they know your profile then as long as you use that profile then you are watchable.

Good News - Kind Of


If you had, say a separate profile...hmmm...I am not encouraging you to break Steem policies....but perhaps they can look the other way when your scissor-wielding barber is on the hunt. However, remember a few things when you do this.

  1. Do not do any transactions between your new and old account. Anybody worth their Steem is going to notice that.

  2. You might want to promote your new profile but be wary. Too much promotion of your new account might result in an obvious preference for the transfer.

  3. Create a new account and transfer your Steem. Only do this as a last resort. Even when transferring between exchanges be careful. While less likely a motivated person can watch the transactions go out and figure out where the money went and then watch it go out. The money can be traced and then once your money comes back into your new account (minus transactions fees) you are not going to be happy when your stalker shows up. You will have wasted your money and time for nothing. So you need to transfer all the way out to US cash.

  4. Slow, small, infrequent, uneven transfers. With your new account transfer make small transfers between the accounts over time. Wait a while before doing this.

The good part well after working your butt off shifting money around you have less now but at least you know how to do it. And it is a great exercise in learning the crypto markets. Also, you now know that the whole thing likely wasn't worth it. Look don't get me wrong trolls suck, and then suck again. Unfortunately, trolls are a part of humanity and the Internet so you might as well learn those lessons and learn to deal with them. Not saying they are right, but they are out there.

IMO You Are Best to Just Mute The Person


Yes, they are talking trash about you and you don't know. Who cares. Unless this person is threatening violence then you don't need to worry about it. Every time this person gets under your skin they win and you lose. The Internet is full of trolls and you need to write, be happy and move on with your life.

Let the Trolls be trolls, keep on building your Steem people, and be happy.

The barber idea was not mine at least not in total. You want to watch a great video go here: